Wrong Description!

The editor of the "Now Playing" area should see a movie before putting up comments. Or at least view the trailer. This is not a movie with 'hot woman-on-woman action.' It's a very funny and heartwarming wide audience appeal romantic comedy about two women coming to terms with their feelings for each other while at a bridal shower! All the women and men at the shower are hilariously entertaining.

There's more 'hot woman-on-woman action' in Charlie's Angels.

This is not the first time films have had inappropriate homophobic sounding comments posted by the imdb editor of this section.

Please grow up.



You're kidding. Hot Girl-On-Girl action?

One girl kisses another roughly to make a point she WASN'T kissing her when someone walks in.
The two stars kiss each other sweetly.

THIS is hot girl-on-girl action? No nudity, no sex. Wow, are YOU sheltered. OH, right. They take a nap. I forgot.

I just saw "Family Stone" and there's kissing and someone ends up sleeping in a bed belonging to someone else. I guess that would be porn? OHMIGOSH, Dad kisses the gay partner of his son. RADICAL. WHERE ARE THE CENSORS. THIS IS CRIMINAL. HOT MAN-ON-MAN ACTION!!!



Trailer is available here


for those who want to see the dirtiest movie johnnydinkis2 has ever seen.



This is a dirty movie? What, are April's showers golden?


The dirtiest thing in this movie is the stack of dishes at the end of the party.


Ugh! Such filth! Will somebody think of the children? But first, will somebody do the dishes?


Is it really that easy to troll here? Lol too funny




Someone hasn't seen "Freddy got Fingered"
