dvd vs tv formats

Can anyone tell me how ITV originally showed this series? I am getting lots of conflicting info online. The fact that IMDb lists it as a TV Movie doesn't help. I THINK it was in 3 parts and at a 1.78:1 ratio. http://www.amazon.co.uk/Dr-Zhivago-DVD-Hans-Matheson/dp/B001AJ34DA/ref =sr_1_3?s=dvd&ie=UTF8&qid=1416865876&sr=1-3&keywords=d octor+zhivago Apparently the original US dvd from Acorn was edited to be as shown on PBS (they don't do that anymore, thankfully.) It seems Acorn re-issued it (according to Amazon) but I can't find out if it got properly formatted and/or unedited. There are also numerous dvd versions from other countries on Amazon, some with little info and some with conflicting info. Argh!

Basically I would like to know if ordering the original ITV version from the UK is the only way to get it unedited and at the original format (screen ratio).

Thanks for any info.
