Crazy Young Love

Is this an ongoing series or just a one time thing? Cause they left it really unresolved.

Also that Jersey chick who moved to Florida is a nut job and the dude needs to run away fast.

Here's my signature.


I think it was a one time thing, but I recorded it and it cut the last couple minutes off. Was the one chick pregnant and did the others move in??


That sucks if it is a one time thing because I wanna know what's going to happen with these couples. As for the girl who thought she was pregnant, they never outright said if they were but judging from her reaction when she picked up the test, she was pregnant and she was crying and her boyfriend hugged her and that's how they ended the show. As for the Florida couple, I hope they held off on moving in with each other because the girl was very immature and for her to go hunting down her boyfriend just because he wanted to drink with his boys is very stage 5 clinger-ish. It's not like he was out getting females numbers,he just wanted to hang out with his friends which is totally fine. As for the 2 girls that lived in Lansing I think, that Davonna chick was extremely insecure and the way she stormed out of the gym just because the trainer was being ENCOURAGING to her girlfriend was a huge red flag and she was cruel to leave that poor girl to walk home by herself at night. That Davonna chick had better work on her insecurity issues quick because they will only wear down their relationship that much quicker. That poor trainer though haha I wonder what he was thinking when Davonna left the gym all in a hurry and clearly pissed off..


OMG YES! I saw this last night and was bawling and LMAO at the trainer because his face was truly "WTF? I was just doing my job!". Not to be mean, but Davonna clearly has not been to a gym to see that ALL personal trainers are hype as hell to get one motivated to do exercises they DO NOT want to for the Florida girl, no one told her ass to move there for some dude. She CHOSE to do that and should have picked up from his non-chalance that he was not ready to be serious. As for the other couple, I was not sure if they said she was preggers or not b/c the DVR cut off.


What I found so scary was the maybe-pregnant couple (my DVR cut off as well.) They were saying they had been mainly relying on the "withdrawal method" of birth control, right? Not very smart.


Annoyed at the non resolution about the pregnancy test. I had assumed my DVR cut it off or something. So I looked up their Vine channel, and according to their videos from the last 2ish years, she couldn't have been pregnant.


Everyone in this episode was weird and crazy and their relationships were *beep*

The black girl in the lesbian couple freaked out because her girlfriend went SHOPPING with her gay male friend who she hasn't seen in months. LOL. I know what its like to have a friend disappear on you when they get into a relationship. When you finally get to spend time with them you don't want their grumpy significant other in your face just because they're too insecure to spend 3 hours alone. Her friend was right in saying that she is trapped and unhappy. Her psychotic gf probably convinced her that doing anything other than spending every waking moment together while having no communication with anyone else is wrong. Then she freaked on the trainer for doing absolutely nothing outside of his job description. That man did NOT want her girlfriend. She had the balls to then leave her gf stranded with no ride at night. I would have dumped someone right then and there for doing that to me, especially when I had done NOTHING wrong. She whines about people leaving her but if this is how she has acted within all of her past relationships then she brought this on herself. She doesn't make herself someone that you'd want to stay with. At all.
Verdict: Won't last.

The girl in FLorida forced herself on some guy 3 days after meeting and he went along with it and now she's obsessively trying to pressure him into moving faster than he's comfortable with. You shouldn't have to badger a man every day to move in with you or marry you or take any major life steps with you. She's one of those women who is desperate to get marred and flash a ring around so she's moving at light speed to try to seal the deal. And the way she acted about him going out with is friends was unacceptable. He didn't do anything wrong. My feeling is that he withheld their location because he knew she'd just show up to yell at him for going out with his friends instead of being with her. She probably also feels she has something to prove. I'm sure her friends and family in NJ thought she was nuts for moving the Florida for a guy she met days before. She doesn't want to end up with no results after she did something so extreme to be with him.
Verdict: Won't last

The couple in Houston didn't really bother me but they're both stupid and immature. Talking about how they're internet celebrities and that they have fans to please. And his girlfriend was acting like he has just oh so many groupies. No. Then the pregnancy thing annoyed me. They decided that within their relationship they wouldn't use any protection for sex and now they're terrified that they might have a kid before they're ready? Did you not discuss what might happen if you get pregnant? Why is this so common? A lot of people in my generation seem opposed to condoms or even the pill or an IUD or anything to stop pregnancy. Everyone seems to feel like those things are a huge bother so they just hope nothing happens. My DVR also cut the episode off so I don't know what happened but I always kind of hope people like that end up pregnant.
Verdict: Probably last.


No one's DVR cut off the episode. MTV just ended it like that. I had to google them to find out what happened and Houston's couple interview post show makes me afraid for the continuity of the human race as functioning beings.


Why is that?


Updates on all 3 couples: oung-love-updates/

Hey Jin! You better not be cheating on me!!
