Bruce Willis needs to lighten up!!!

Did you hear about how an interview between Little Ant and Dec and Bruce Willis had to be axed because he upset the two young TV stars, after they 'offended him'?....
C'mon, he's being interviewed by two kids...KIDS...CHILDREN!!! Surely he would know that this isn't your average interview, he would have known from the start that he would have to treat his interviewers differently to normal. All of the other stars have taken the interviews with a pinch of salt and 'gone along with it'- Will Smith for instance, did anyone see that? He was really lovely and genuine with them? Maybe Bruce Willis could take a few lessons from someone like him! OK so Willis is a (cough) 'legend' (cough), but when did anyone become too full of themselves to be interviewed by a couple of kids?!!!!

Bien que mon amour soit fou, ma raison calme les trop vives douleurs de mon coeur...


I know, it's pathetic that he did that it really made me lose respect for him.They're only 10yrs old!!!I dont know what serious questions he expected.


I'd pick Little Ant and Dec anyday over Bruce Willis.

"I'm not from these parts. From a little place called England-we used to run the world before you."


What did he say to the kids that made them so upset?


Likewise, what did they say/ask that made him snap at them?


Yeah what made him snap at them and what did he say to upset him so much?
Lil ant and dec are just harmless little kids why should he be so....imature?

*I don't respond well to Intimidation makes me feel all *Icky*
*Johnny Depp rules!


