Their Benefactor

This is more about The Lost Codex than the finale. Okay so Veritas' Benefactor was a high ranking member or Dorna, who was actually a traitor to Dorna because he was secretly funding Veritas to prevent Dorna doing what they do.
Now at the end of The Lost Codex their Benefactor get the plans to that device and puts it in a room with a whole bunch of Da Vinci's things. Now in that scene i get the feeling your supposed to have seen something that should have shocked you. Forgive me put i couldn't pick up on what that might have been - i think it's something to do with the Portrait.


Argh,just spent all this time explaining the end, then lost it! Ok, so here it is in short. At the start of the epidsode, Leonardo Da Vinci is writing a letter about a faithful friend, although I dont remember his name. He mentions that this faithful friend was a member of Dorna, and had betrayed Dorna to save Da Vinci's life.

When the Benefactor goes into that room, it shows that portrait. It has Da Vinci's signature in it. I believe that the Benefactor, who is also betraying Dora, is a relative of Da Vinci's faithful friend, and also the man in the portrait.

Hope that helps =)


Possible spoilers!

And to make things a bit more complicated - the benefactor's name is Jacques De Molay, the same as the young man who rides our with one of the map pieces in the very last episode "the Helmholtz Resonance"



Might this supposed to be the same person, and that their Benefactor is in fact... several hundred years old? Or however old he would be.


did the Benefactor not mention that there were protectors of the truth descended through the ages? not people looking to conceal the truth, like dorna, but protect it.

Anyways, my take on it was that the Benefactor was a descendant of these people and his family has been in Dorna for generations. Like the Medicis, it would make sense that to acheive a high status in Dorna you would need to be of good lineage. The best place for an enemy of Dorna to hide is, no doubt, right under their noses. Francesco Melzi...De Mollay? - there could be a connection.


I have to say, I think there is a definite connection there. God, how I wish they made atleast one more season, just so we could find out! There are so many unanswered questions!


I also want the show to continuo, sign the petition at

P.S. You can buy it on DVD at


The show cannot be revived at this point..It's been 3 years now. The concept may be revived in some other way, shape or form, but sadly we won't get to see the conclusion to this show.

Legitimate DVDs still haven't been released, and I suspect they never will...There just doesn't seem to be enough interest in this show :(


Well.. it could be possible to pick up the series a few years later, just say that a whole lot hasn't happened between now and then. The charicters have aged a bit, perhaps found one or two more pieces of the ring, Calvin and Juliet maried ect. just explian the rest in dialog and perhaps a few flashbacks, simple.



Didn't you notice that the painting looked like the Benefactor? Yeah that's his ancestor, Francesco Melzi, the guy DaVinci was writing the letters to.
