
Did you prefer the music in this production or the 1980 version? Why?


This version. Patrick Doyle is phenomenal. His stage music for this version was sparkling, inventive, and very memorable, very catchy.

The music is very melodic, melancholy, contemplative, and also enchanting, wintry, and festive.

Of course, it helped that Sir Paul McCartney donated one of his melodies to the production (Once Upon A Long Ago).

I thought the music complemented every scene, and the overall feeling of the play. Each melody matched the emotions of the characters, and all the melodies were interlocked together, just as the characters were.

What's ironic is, counter-characters are the heart of the play (Viola/Cesario, Olivia/Malvolio), and one of the main themes, adapted from McCartney's song, contains within it a counter-theme, purposely written to balance the harmony of the words with the original melody.
