My Thoughts

Now I understand the marketing scheme for why they named THREE as THREE EXTREMES. But it could not be more wrong for this collection. Nothing in here is EXTREME.

But the Second (Or First) collection on how you look at it was a very mixed MIXED bunch.

MEMORIES started out quite well and especially the opening scene of the man on the couch in his darkened apartment filled me with hope for a real EXTREME horror story. Instead it turned out to be a something along the lines of a dark Sixth Sense. It was nicely filmed, and had some bravo moments. I liked it but not a great example of Eastern horror. 7/10

THE WHEEL......what can I say. Horrible. Badly written, badly paced (did every scene have to end by fading to black?), just bad. I can't describe how weak this segment was. Nice set design and shows an intersting aspect of Thai culture but still dead boring. Extremely boring even. 2/10

GOING HOME- very nicely done. It started out classic horror. The whole intro with the little boy really showed off childish fears of the dark and all. Very well done, and then when Eric Tsang (always going to be Sam from Infernal Affairs to me) was captured by Leon Lai I expected the usual routine to follow. Some pyscho babble talk followed by imitations of Audition. Instead it truely is a beautiful story that puts you through a range of emotions. First you fear Lai, then you pity him, then you begin to cheer him on, then you mourn him. Not perfect, but highly solid. 9/10
