MovieChat Forums > Sparkhouse (2002) Discussion > Favorite Richard Armitage Scenes

Favorite Richard Armitage Scenes

Okay so I just saw this and I am completely mesmerized by Richard's acting. He plays John's character so well, so shy and cute, i love it.
So.... my favorite scene was when they come back home from the wedding and they are unloading the stuff, and John asks Carol if she is ok and tells her that she can share anything with him.. It was such an intimate moment, I loved it.



Well, all the scenes where he's looking at Lisa. Those eyes!!! The way he looks at her, he thinks the world of her, he is so in love, poor man! He should be loved back just as much, the looks from those eyes deserve that!!!


I assume you mean Carol, not Lisa...Lisa was the daughter.

Funnily enough though, speaking of John and Lisa, it's a bit strange that the same actors Richard Armitage and Holly Grainger show up in Robin Hood as Guy and Meg.


Yes, lol, I mean Carol! Of course, Lisa is the daughter.
I thought the chemistry between the two was amazing in Robin Hood. A great shame they killed off Meg and left Guy all alone again...


i just recently pulled out my copy of this and re-watched it. and loved it all over again! RA is fantastic in everything of course and any scene of anything with him is going to be good. i liked all the scenes mentioned here and the one where she's asked him to marry her and she's sitting in the truck and he walks up and tells her basically that it's a go and she jumps in his arms. he's just so sweet! oh- and the scenes where she's picking out his suit and watching him get his hair cut- she's definitely "digging" on him! i would think though that one of his hardest scenes would be the one in the back of the truck where he has to have his premature "problem". embarrassing!!


All of the above, as a recent arrival on the Richard Armitage scene this mini-series is new to me and I am having lots of fun catching up. I agree with previous posters that the unfolding of John Standring's character from a desperately shy man into the determined man he becomes is due to a wonderful performance by Richard Armitage.



I love the scene between him and Carol where he tells her that her boyfriend thinks she is making a prostitute out of herself. He is in love with her and is understandably upset that anyone would suggest that Carol is degrading herself by marrying him, but he was strong enough to walk away from her. He wasn't desperate.
