MovieChat Forums > Soldier's Girl (2003) Discussion > Guys who sleep with transsexuals

Guys who sleep with transsexuals

Would you consider them gay?

I personally have no sexual attraction to men, and never had any homoerotic experiences even as a kid.
I love women, and find femininity very sexy and attractive.
but i also do find some feminine "passable" transsexuals attractive. like the real Calpernia, if you watch the extras on the dvd, you can see her. i think shes pretty hot.
now ive never had any real contact with transsexuals, but i would consider dating one, even if she had a penis. otoh i would never do anything with another man.
so i know that might make me somewhat bi, but i pretty much consider myself a straight guy.

im interested on what you all think- especially women, would you consider me gay because of this?


[deleted] a gay man I rather like the idea of dating a trans. I think it would be difficult for me to date, for all intent and purposes, a person who doesn't have a penis from the start. From what I understand though in the community, there are MTF folks who would like to keep their biological genitals and continue to use them. However, if I fell in love with a trans and then they decided to have the surgery, I'd have to go with my heart and continue to love them. Same person inside who I feel in love with after all....




but I think you'd miss it like hell, right ? you know what I mean...
M xx"

LOL...most probably! But as in life, you don't always get what you want 100% of the time.




INTERESTING ARTICLE... I remember reading a very similar story about a top Austrian skier (intersexed person) named "Erik Schinegger (born: Erika Schinegger)" back in the mid 1970's (Which I was actually able to find ERIK SCHINEGGER on Wikipedia!!)


I am a transexual female. I had surgery in September of 2003 at the age of 23, and when I awoke after the surgery, I felt so free and finally complete. I was engaged to a young man (who is straight!!) at the time, whom I married in November of that same year. We will be celebrating our second anniversary on the 15th!

My husband is not gay by any stretch of the imagination. In his mid- to late-teens he questioned his sexuality, and even experimented a bit, but found after he entered his early 20s that he was indeed very much straight. Perhaps the experimentation made it easier for him to accept the fact that he had fallen in love with me, I don't really know.

So, in answer to your question about whether or not you would be considered gay: I personally wouldn't consider you to be, nor would my husband. I would simply consider you to be a man very comfortable in his masculinity and his sexuality (two traits which I find highly attractive in a man). However, there are some people out there who would most definately think you were gay. Personally, I HATE HATE HATE being clumped together with homosexuals (not that I have anything against them), simply because I am not gay! Also, I HATE HATE HATE being called a transexual! Why?! Because I want to be remembered as a WOMAN, not a transexual. After all, that is what I am inside, which is why I went through all the bloody palaver of getting everything 'fixed up nice and neat' as I like to say. But anyway, Calpernia is indeed a beautiful woman! This story broke my heart, because I can imagine how I would feel if someone had murdered, so brutally, the man that I loved, and who loved me. It's not always easy for us to find straight men to love us, and accept that we have a 'past' much different from other women, and I don't know, I'm not sure how I would handle that. Calpernia has truly shown character and dignity throughout the whole ordeal.


Thank you for sharing was a beautiful love story. As I said, I would have no problem going out with a trans, with a penis. However I wouldn't knowingly date a 'female'. Futhermore, if I was in love with a trans and they decided to have the surgery, I can't see why I wouldn't love them just the same...adjustments-yes! As Masikota said, I'd probably miss the penis....!



I guess you didn't read my post or hers carefully enough. She starts out saying she is a "transexual female"-her exact words. If she (or you) wants to be referred to as a "woman", that's fine. You're spoiling for a fight with somebody and I call that "rude". Nothing I said was negative, so take your fight elsewhere.

"...and don't call on Him to save you from your social graces and the sins you wish to waive"



I was referring to people who are transexual as a group. The poster did not give her name, or I would have used it. Obviously, she has become a woman and prefers to drop the transexual label-that certainly is her choice. Yes, your aunt is a cancer survivor or a cancer victim, depending upon how you look at it. It's only your assumption that in polite conversation, I would not use someone's given name or treat her as an individual. I am current pres of a PFLAG chapter and people who are transexual here at least, prefer to be called 'trans' when identified as a 'group', just like I don't mind be identified as 'gay' or 'queer' as a 'group'. How you made the quantum jump to "rude" is beyond me. In an ideal world, labels and groups wouldn't be necessary, but until that world arrives, we should own who we are.

I think you were very "disrespectful" (as a matter of fact), to jump in here and defend someone else's point when it was not warranted in the least. That is perhaps a finer point of debate you have not learned as of yet.

"...and don't call on Him to save you from your social graces and the sins you wish to waive"



sapphire, what made you think it your duty to jump in here and immediately get all up in people's faces? Are you a troll? Your accusations are way off-base, and it is not necessary to pummel someone with whom you disagree. There are more ways than yours to see the world, what makes it your prerogative to shove people in the dirt in that shrill, self-righteous fashion, like some schoolmarm doped up on crystal meth and Budweiser? Calm the *beep* down, you are more bellicose than V. Putin.



I'm a transsexual myself... been living as a female since my early 20's(oooh, so long ago!!!)... and I DON'T think you were being rude at all "shoeihell." I guess I should feel fortunate I've never met the intolerant gays and lesbians that so many transsexuals have (even though I'm sure they exist, as with anyone), but I've worked for a gay male (florist) and a lesbian (FAMILY DOLLAR store manager) and both of them were very nice to me (nicer than they were to the straight employees, I might add).


Sapphire_coloured_girl is obviously dripping with issues, angry and spoiling for a fight. She is not defending anyone, just some rubbish PC idea of proper 'protocol' in referring to tanssexual folks. She hardly speaks for transsexual people everywhere, thank God.

I spoke poorly of no one here and don't deserve the faux thrashing she thinks I've been given. I didn't answer her last post, because it was so over-the-top disrespectful/inane that it didn't even dignify a response. It would be hell going through life so angry and inventing enemies as you go, I suspect. Given that there are enough really evil, homophobic people in the world, Sapphire_coloured_girl SHOULD pick her battles more wisely; but bright she is not, apparently.

And yes, we're all supposed to be 'family'....however, I would prefer to be a shirttail relation (at best) to Sapphire_coloured_girl.;-) Thank you littlecasino60!

"...and don't call on Him to save you from your social graces and the sins you wish to waive"


It's been awhile since I read this thread. . .lol. Shoeihell, I didn't think you were being rude at all, though I do see the point that Sapphire is making. Most of us don't wish to be referred to as trans, and I certainly don't, but I don't deny that it is part of who I am. I guess I consider myself a woman who happens to be transsexual.

Personally, I do think this disorder should be classified as an intersex disorder anyhow. I don't really like the idea that it's considered to be a "mental" disorder. We're not crazy or insane, or anything like that. I prefer the name Harry Benjamin Syndrome for the disorder in any case. I very much admire Dr. Benjamin :)


Sapphire is obviously spoiling for a fight. As a gay man I have learned to recognize my allies and my potential allies. Sapphire however wants to grovel in her own bile and vindictive rhetoric. We have an intersex person now in our PFLAG group and yes, she prefers to be called 'intersex'. In fact we changed the name of the youth group to; GBLTQI now and the alphabet is growing. We have people here that still want to be called 'trans' and while they feel that they are trapped in the wrong body gender, they also feel different than intersex; as they tell me those are folks born with both the sexual organs intact in varying degrees.....'intersex' now replacing 'hermaphrodite'.

I don't think of it as a "disorder", as that infers that there is something wrong or abnormal. Those are hetero classifications upon us-fight that. They have no idea what it is like to be us and we're not their lab rats to study as well.

"...and don't call on Him to save you from your social graces and the sins you wish to waive"


littlecasino; that's one of the very few perspectives, some people with narrow idea of others feelings like you don't mind, but believe me, calling someone with transexual condition a "trans" is widely perceived as a flagrant INSULT and RUDE attitude towards many of them. Just go ahead and call someone (like you or "me") like that, you'll be corrected very fast.

Even someone like you who is a complete woman physically can not call herself a transexual, you are a woman or WAS a transexual in the past. This term applies only to people before or during the transition, not after! Go and ask some experts on this.

And one more thing, when someone who finds people with female psychic gender-male biological gender attractive and would prefer going out with such people then he is not gay at all, even if that person had a penis. Mtf don't become "women", they are women since they are born, only in wrong bodies. Which makes me highly doubt shoehell's orientation, or perhaps even his psychosis.


shayna1980 thanks for sharing your experience. It was very nicely said and informative. hope you guys the best of wishes...

On every street in every city, there's a nobody who dreams of being a somebody.


Im a man who finds women and transexuals attractive as well. I don't find men or masculinity attractive at all. I dont consider myself gay. I'm bi i suppose. I've never had sex with a man, but I guess I am not against it entirely, although the thought of kissing a man or hearing them moan is a deff turn off. My friends think I'm gay though. They somehow found out about my attraction and won't let it go. Basicly they arn't really my friends at all. I'm willing to try anything once though. Looking at photos of people and meeting people in person are completly different. Attraction isn't just physical. The world is a strange place.


*ahem*. . .You are not bi if you consider transexual women attractive. You are still straight - unless of course you meant that the transexual woman be pre-operative. *sigh* I have a problem with society's views on what a 'transexual' is. A 'transexual', by medical definition, is a person suffering from a medical disorder known as Gender Identity Disorder. It is considered a mental disorder by the DSM-IV; however, there is no known cure except gender reassignment and hormone therapy. A cross-dresser is simply what it sounds like - someone who likes to dress in the clothing of the opposite dresser. And a transvestite is, usually, a gay man who prefers to dress as a woman, but doesn't prefer to BE a woman. To truly understand how this disorder affects a person, you would have to experience it for yourself. I am a 'transexual', though I hate the label. I have breasts, a vagina, and all the rest of that good stuff, and no longer does my mind scream at me that I am a woman, while my body clearly shows something different. I consider myself a woman, period. Just happen to have an extraordinary past :)


Why is transsexualism a disorder? Hell, even God makes mistakes . . .

"God is dead. Man is now free." - Friedrich Nietzsche


I don't think it's an issue of God making mistakes. I think it's simply a reality that there is such a thing as sickness in the world. I believe it is a disorder, though I am one of the people who think it should be classified as an intersex disorder. I suppose in the end it doesn't really matter; as long as there is treatment for it, I don't personally care one way or another.


Male/Female identity is not only mental, it is also physical. I'm not saying that you are not feminine, and that you don't identify as a female-- but to expect society to accept you as a woman is absurd, and selfish. Do you have a period? Can you bear children? Or, I should rather say, are you predisposed to do those things?

I'm sorry, but what you want is not what is. Things are as they are, sometimes you have to accept them, and being born a woman is essential to the definition of gender, because the purpose of gender is to procreate. That always must be remembered-- even through all your trials and hardships, you can't change what is.

If you found a man to see you as a woman, good for you. Many people may see you as a woman, in the sense of a role in society, but you lack the biological definition and that can never change, and thus you will never truly be a woman. You do not have a vagina, despite your claims-- you are living in a fantasy world that won't translate to society.

But I wish you luck, and I have no problem with any kind of GID, but that's the truth of the matter, and being PC does not change reality.



"Male/Female identity is not only mental, it is also physical. I'm not saying that you are not feminine, and that you don't identify as a female-- but to expect society to accept you as a woman is absurd, and selfish. Do you have a period? Can you bear children? Or, I should rather say, are you predisposed to do those things?

I'm sorry, but what you want is not what is. Things are as they are, sometimes you have to accept them, and being born a woman is essential to the definition of gender, because the purpose of gender is to procreate. That always must be remembered-- even through all your trials and hardships, you can't change what is.

If you found a man to see you as a woman, good for you. Many people may see you as a woman, in the sense of a role in society, but you lack the biological definition and that can never change, and thus you will never truly be a woman. You do not have a vagina, despite your claims-- you are living in a fantasy world that won't translate to society.

But I wish you luck, and I have no problem with any kind of GID, but that's the truth of the matter, and being PC does not change reality."

To expect society not to accept someone because you disagree with their lives and their choices is absurd and selfish.

I found your comments both rude and inaccurate.

You may think of the sole purpose of gender as procreation, but believe me when I say that you do not speak for everyone. Gender structures how people interact in our everyday lives even when procreation remains out of the question.

You have a very essentialist attitude. Gender exists as a social construct. Fortunately *you* don't get to define what woman means for everyone else.

If you had no problem with transsexuals you would not have made this post, nor would you feel the need to patronize.

Reality has far more facets than exist in your limited definitions. I wish you well and hope that you will have life experiences that will teach you to look at things more openly.


Haven't been on here in a while... but I saw my old post. I figured it's time to tear you apart logically and factually, rather than hide behind a mask of subjectivity and offensiveness.

To expect society not to accept someone because you disagree with their lives and their choices is absurd and selfish.

This is called a red herring. Do you know what that is, or do I have to lecture you like a school child? This is not about acceptance, this about the purpose of labels and definitions. I didn't say I disagreed with your lifestyle, I said your lifestyle doesn't define you completely as a woman, even if you want to scream and holler and be all childish about it.

Let's think south park for a minute. Even if I feel like a dolphin, I'm not a dolphin.

I found your comments both rude and inaccurate.

Wow, I guess because you found it that way it must be so! Well golly gosh.

Ok, rude I may give you. But *beep* you, I don't care. Go cry about it. You're getting all mad about nothing.

You may think of the sole purpose of gender as procreation, but believe me when I say that you do not speak for everyone. Gender how people interact in our everyday lives even when procreation remains out of the question.

And this is called a strawman. Do I have to teach you that one too? I never said the sole purpose of gender is procreation, I said it's a definitive part of it. Just because a group of people are 'in between' our definitions does not separate the essential difference between sexes. You found a flaw in the dichotomy, we compensated for you in this dichotomy; now you're mad because you got left out of the original, normal, and natural labels. This has nothing to do with 'speaking for everyone', it speaks to truth and objectivity and that concerns nobody. You speak in non-sequiturs, just STFU before you embarrass your cause more.

And I treat you like this not because of intolerance of transexuals, but because you lack brain power. I don't have any care for who people sleep with, how they alter their body, or what they identify as; I'm going to tell you that there's a difference between transexuals and women. Woman-like (or socially woman) is not the same as woman. Simple logic; you can't defy reality just because you wish it was different.

You have a very essentialist attitude. Gender exists as a social construct. Fortunately *you* don't get to define what woman means for everyone else.

And unfortunately for you, I'm not defining what woman is, woman has been defined for ages. It's pretty much a solid word in the English language, and we have a scientific definition. It is you who is defying fact and pretending like it's a mentality. Sorry, penis' don't turn to vaginas on will power. Oh no! How could I say that? Wait, it's *beep* true.

Words don't get defined by everybody. Words are not tangible in that ultimate sense. Gender may exist as a social construct, but you can't always define as woman. Woman refers not only to that social construct, but to the make-up of the individual's nature.

If you had no problem with transsexuals you would not have made this post, nor would you feel the need to patronize.

You can't just assume why people make a post. I made the post because there was straight-up reality-denying *beep* being thrown around here. I respond whenever I feel I need to respond to *beep* Sorry, has no one but an intolerant Christian reminded you that you are capable of spouting 100% grade-A cow dung? Well you do. That's why I'm here, and that's why I'm patronizing you. Because you're *beep* dumb.

Reality has far more facets than exist in your limited definitions. I wish you well and hope that you will have life experiences that will teach you to look at things more openly.

Ironically, my definition is more expansive than yours. I include both born gender, and social gender; however just having one doesn't make you a woman, because it entails both. This is not about openness, this is about *beep* lies and attempting to change nature to fit your comfort. *beep*

if you ever saw me in the streets, or had to interact with me on a daily basis, you would never know I was anything but a woman. Society accepts me as a woman because I conform very well to our society's expectations of what a woman 'should' be. If I had cancer and was about to have an organ removed in order to keep myself alive, would I then be selfish as well?

I'd like to inform you that your analogy makes no sense. KTHX

I'd probably treat you like a woman. I would admittedly sleep with a passing transwoman, pre-op. I really don't have any hang-ups here. "She", "her", etc. Those are based on femininity. "Woman"? Sorry, not completely.

many women are born without the ability to bear children. And yes, there are women who do not have periods because of some medical concern. Predisposed? No, I am not. Nor are many other women out there.

All women are predisposed, other conditions get in the way. You are not, because you are not a woman.

oh really? Perhaps you should meet me and then you might see something different.

Won't change my mind.

I should hope that nothing medically ever happens to you that you require surgical or medicinal invertention.

Red herring. We can change some things how they are. For example, you can change your appearance from that of a man to that of a woman. You cannot change your physical gender. Medicine is something that is, and thus I use it. However, it can't change everything.

Your statement really didn't make any sense.

procreation is not always the #1 definition of gender. There are MANY people in this world who cannot procreate for whatever reasons. And there are MANY of them who shouldn't, but still do.

It is the source of the definition. If there were never two--man and woman--there would never be these words or definitions in the first place.

whatever you say. What's between your legs, or the type of reproductive organs you have, doesn't automatically make you anything. What about Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome? A child is born, perfectly female to the eye, yet genetically male, but not discovered until she begins puberty and fails to menstruate. She will be unable to procreate. Is she not a woman, even though she's been raised that, and has identified with, all her life?

That is similar to your situation, except a completely natural situation. The person would be socially a female, but biologically male. She should probably live LIKE a woman, just like you do.

I think you do have a problem with it; if you didn't, you wouldn't be making these patronizing comments. I certainly hope this never happens to anyone you love, especially your children or grandchildren.

I already contradicted this *beep* Don't pass off intellectual inadequacy on to ME.

If my children or grandchildren want to transition, then I won't get in their way.

If the only use for people is for procreation, what about heterosexual people who are sterile? Would you call a woman who is in menopause and no longer menstruates something other than a woman?

Strawman argument. I never said the only use for people was for procreation. Gender only exists because of procreation, that's different. I already clarified, as well. I said 'predisposed'.

Gender is not the same as thing as whether you were born with a penis or a vagina. Gender is in the mind. There have been scientific studies done that show that a transgendered person's brain is different than that of their born sex. Go google it before you make such blanket statements.

Do you need a dictionary, or did you just memorize it and leave it to human error? Haha, gender is not in the mind. Partly. Stop telling half-truths, nobody likes liars; not even the border-line ones. Even if their brains is different (which is obvious), it doesn't change the definition nor the origin of gender. Understanding and being tolerant is not equivalent to changing everything to fit the desires of a small interest group. Be as you are, that doesn't mean you are definitively anything and you can't change the cold hard nature of things. You can't make everything how you want; it's a ridiculous mentality.

I used to think that transgendered women were really gay men who, because of internalized homophobia, thought that the only way they could be with another man was if they were a woman. Through my work as a social worker, I met a transgendered woman who changed my views forever. She was a beautiful, talented and wonderful person. She had an incredibly hard life, however, because she was born with the body of a boy but the brain of a woman. She was denied gender reassignment surgery because she was HIV positive (this was before the new hiv medications came out). All she ever wanted was a normal life with a man who would love her. She wanted the white picket fence fantasy. When she finally realized that was never going to happen for her, she jumped off her 14th floor balcony.

Jesus, you are a big ball of illogic, aren't you? All of you are, actually.

Look, an emotional personal experience doesn't change definition nor biology. I don't think transgendered people are gay. Gay men are men who like other men. Transgendered women are biological males who change their physical appearance and lifestyle to match that of a woman; sexuality has nothing to do with it, though transwomen are apparently inclined to like men.

Could you three miss the mark more? Or are you just going to go on with your nonsensical emotional drivel concerning pipe dreams?


This my be too simplistic for some, but the way I see it is: Gender is mutable (and originally referred only to grammatical issues, defining pronouns); Sex is forever. We are born with one sex, Male or Female (though this 'sex' has parameters that allow some gradations between feminine and masculine of that sex). 'Gender', as it has been transmogrified by usage, is something that may be user-defined. If you were born male but believe that you are female, then your gender becomes female but your sex remains male (unless they can slip that pesky X chromosome out of your DNA; short of that you are stuck). I am sure that’s all settled then, init...


Do you need a dictionary, or did you just memorize it and leave it to human error? Haha, gender is not in the mind. Partly. Stop telling half-truths, nobody likes liars; not even the border-line ones. Even if their brains is different (which is obvious), it doesn't change the definition nor the origin of gender. Understanding and being tolerant is not equivalent to changing everything to fit the desires of a small interest group. Be as you are, that doesn't mean you are definitively anything and you can't change the cold hard nature of things. You can't make everything how you want; it's a ridiculous mentality.

Transgendered women are biological males who change their physical appearance and lifestyle to match that of a woman; sexuality has nothing to do with it, though transwomen are apparently inclined to like men.

nyder, you are officially the most uneducated close-minded fool i have seen on interenet forums. What's worse, that you even believe what you write and make it some kind of fact, even though everyone more knowledgable see that you only talk out of your ass. First of all, go learn something about gender, where it comes from and how many genders a human being is actually born with. In short, i will only tell you that we have 1.biological, 2.anatomical and 3.psychological gender. And not each one can match - and THAT is the creation of nature as well. So when it comes to people with MTF transsexual condition the basic origin of gender is female, because the brain is the first that develops, only after that starts the biological process in the male direction, while the female brain remains the same. The brain is what makes our personality, who we are. The biology is not the first thing that defines men or women, physical appearance including structure of bones, muscles, fat, and vagina are changed through hormone therapy (and surgery) to the "perfect" imitation that not even gynecologists will find the difference, which means that biology is altered in a way, because the only things remain are original chromosomes, and their purpose is only to give the body a direction in which they should develop, either as males or females, BUT by the hormonal therapy the effectiveness of chromosomes is therefore absolutely muted and terminated. So when you start openly thinking about it, biological gender will stop playing ANY significant role in a human body after that, because its purpose is aborted, literally. Yes, nature makes women and men, but since the very beginning of our humankind, there were many mistakes on nature's part, someone could even claim that those are not mistakes at all, but intentions and challenges. Does this mean that with certain birth defects they are not 100% pure women and men?! Because then the question rises - what is actually a 100% woman and man. We all have some flaws, psychological, physical or biological. And yet we are defined by God as men and women, we are stil his children, and "you" are the only alien on this planet, i hope.


If you were born male but believe that you are female, then your gender becomes female but your sex remains male (unless they can slip that pesky X chromosome out of your DNA; short of that you are stuck). I am sure that’s all settled then, init...

As i have written above, many people are still not fully educated in this subject matter. Even your sex is not male anymore, because through female hormone therapy, the origin and purpose of male DNA and chromosomes is terminated. It's still there, indeed, it can be found in your blood "hybernating" literally, but its function is basically useless. It's very complicated, but look at it from the scientific and realistic point of view. Nature caused many people so many issues, that without medical help they would die, so you make things the way so they would live, nature no longer plays any role when it comes to genetic mistakes.


Oh SuzyGL, stop pretending to be a medical expert. You sound foolish. Just express your opinion as your opinion based on your experiences. You are obviously not a biologist or a medical expert.


Let's think south park for a minute. Even if I feel like a dolphin, I'm not a dolphin.

 did you actually just call on South Park for reference?

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Male/Female identity is not only mental, it is also physical.

-> I have no point to argue, but I do disagree.

I'm not saying that you are not feminine, and that you don't identify as a female-- but to expect society to accept you as a woman is absurd, and selfish.

-> if you ever saw me in the streets, or had to interact with me on a daily basis, you would never know I was anything but a woman. Society accepts me as a woman because I conform very well to our society's expectations of what a woman 'should' be. If I had cancer and was about to have an organ removed in order to keep myself alive, would I then be selfish as well?

Do you have a period? Can you bear children? Or, I should rather say, are you predisposed to do those things?

-> many women are born without the ability to bear children. And yes, there are women who do not have periods because of some medical concern. Predisposed? No, I am not. Nor are many other women out there.

I'm sorry, but what you want is not what is.

-> oh really? Perhaps you should meet me someday and then you might see something different.

Things are as they are, sometimes you have to accept them,

-> I should hope that nothing medically ever happens to you that you require surgical or medicinal invertention.

and being born a woman is essential to the definition of gender, because the purpose of gender is to procreate.

-> procreation is not always the #1 definition of gender. There are MANY people in this world who cannot procreate for whatever reasons. And there are MANY of them who shouldn't, but still do.

If you found a man to see you as a woman, good for you. Many people may see you as a woman, in the sense of a role in society, but you lack the biological definition and that can never change, and thus you will never truly be a woman. You do not have a vagina, despite your claims-- you are living in a fantasy world that won't translate to society.

-> whatever you say. What's between your legs, or the type of reproductive organs you have, doesn't automatically make you anything. What about Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome? A child is born, perfectly female to the eye, yet genetically male, but not discovered until she begins puberty and fails to menstruate. She will be unable to procreate. Is she not a woman, even though she's been raised that, and has identified with that, all her life?

But I wish you luck, and I have no problem with any kind of GID, but that's the truth of the matter, and being PC does not change reality.

-> I think you do have a problem with it; if you didn't, you wouldn't be making these patronizing comments. I certainly hope this never happens to anyone you love, especially your children or grandchildren.


If the only use for people is for procreation, what about heterosexual people who are sterile? Would you call a woman who is in menopause and no longer menstruates something other than a woman?

Gender is not the same as thing as whether you were born with a penis or a vagina. Gender is in the mind. There have been scientific studies done that show that a transgendered person's brain is different than that of their born sex. Go google it before you make such blanket statements.

I used to think that transgendered women were really gay men who, because of internalized homophobia, thought that the only way they could be with another man was if they were a woman. Through my work as a social worker, I met a transgendered woman who changed my views forever. She was a beautiful, talented and wonderful person. She had an incredibly hard life, however, because she was born with the body of a boy but the brain of a woman. She was denied gender reassignment surgery because she was HIV positive (this was before the new hiv medications came out). All she ever wanted was a normal life with a man who would love her. She wanted the white picket fence fantasy. When she finally realized that was never going to happen for her, she jumped off her 14th floor balcony.

Hopefully films like this one will gradually change society's views on transgendered people and tragedies like this will become a thing of the past.


I can certainly sympathize with the transsexual who jumped to her death from her 14th floor balcony. But, sadly, even after surgery the fairytale ending usually doesn't happen, as Renee Richards recently pointed out in her new book.


Renee Richards is not suffering from the disorder that causes transsexuality, known as Gender Dysphoria, or more recently, Harry Benjamin Syndrome.

Renee Richards is an autogynephilic transvestic fetishist who was turned on by the idea of being female. It was sexual for her, NOT gendered.



Who the hell are you to decided who/what a woman is? I was born a woman (i.e. I have a period, and can bear children) and let me tell you, that is not all that makes a woman. If you think that, you are also living in a fantasy world- one where you get to decide what makes a man or woman who they are.

People with your viewpoint are the reason why I study what I study- the history of gender in a medical sense. The "biological definition" (I think you are referring to sex?) is one definition among many, not the sole decided of someone's identity/gender.

'Cause we all end up in a tiny pine box, A mighty small drop in a mighty dark plot.


Gender is what is between your ears, not your legs.
Sex is what is between your legs.
Gender identity is an issue only when your sex and gender are incongruent.
Legal sex is, in most states, based on what is between your legs--and changes when surgery changes that anatomy.

And sexual orientation is based on what sex and/or or gender you find attractive, whether straight, bi, gay, or primarily trans- or intersexed-oriented. Though technically labeled bi, you can actually have any combination, on a continuum or gradient.



Please, since when transsexual condition is "considered" a mental disorder, i haven't heard that before. YOu certainly know yourself well that it is not by any means a "mental" problem, but a disorder between a soul & body, literally. The biological gender has an abnormal development, and defacto doesn't match who you are as a human being. That's what it is.


It's listed in the DSM, which is a manual listing mental disorders and the criteria for diagnosing them. I didn't say I "like" the idea of it being classified as such, but according to the medical field, it IS a mental disorder. As I said before, it should be classified as an intersex disorder and renamed officially to Harry Benjamin Syndrome.


Ah ha! Is the world strange, or is it just the people here? LOL


You are NOT gay or bisexual if you are interested in or attracted to a transgendered person. If a person, such as Calpernia lives the life of a woman, dresses as a woman and identifies as a female then they should be considered a female. Barry Winchell had told Calpernia that before he met her he considered himself to be straight. (I know since I have met and spoken with Calpernia before.) Even while dating her he considered himself to be straight and considered Calpernia his girlfriend, despite what the tabloids will say. Furthermore, I have several friends who are transgendered, some of which identified as gay or lesbian prior to their transition (when they began to dress and live as the gender they feel they are). When I asked one of these friends about her transistion to a guy, I asked her/him about her/his relationship with their girlfriend. This friend had previously identified as lesbian but explained to me that they now identified their relationship with their significant other (a woman) as that of a heterosexual relationship as that person now dressed and lived their life as a male. I hope that makes sense...


If a man is attracted to a MTF transsexual, knowing full well that they're biologically male, then, technically speaking, they would be bi or homosexual to some degree or another. There's no debating this fact. It doesn't matter what the MTF transsexual "feels" they are inside; physically, they're still men. A person could truly believe they're Napoleon reincarnated but that doesn't make them so.



If a man is attracted to a MTF transsexual, knowing full well that they're biologically male, then, technically speaking, they would be bi or homosexual to some degree or another. There's no debating this fact. It doesn't matter what the MTF transsexual "feels" they are inside; physically, they're still men. A person could truly believe they're Napoleon reincarnated but that doesn't make them so.

Wrong! I am not even sure you are serious with this insane statement. Are we still living so far in the past, comfortable in ignorance and self-righteousness. Get some education and visit some seminars concerning this issue and stop "assuming" and talking nonsense like "there's no debating this fact" - fact that you in "fact" pulled out of your butt. TECHNICALLY SPEAKING, after SRS, they are not PHYSICALLY men by any means! biological gender has not at that point any meaning, because its function is muted - that includes the purpose of chromosomes), in a scientific perspective, biologically they are females because their bodies work on the system of a female biology, only they were BORN biologically as males. But what's the most important to understand that the function of biological gender is radically altered. Men who are attracted to women with transsexual condition while knowing their biological origin can not be bi or even gay, because human beings are attracted to the opposite sex by the physical appearance (which is perfectly altered) and soul (which is pre-natally given by having "psychic gender"). Original biology (under the hormone therapy) has no effect on body & soul, and therefore not his/her partner's orientation.

So your point is narrow-minded, as is usual at ignorant stupid people like you.

A person could truly believe they're Napoleon reincarnated but that doesn't make them so.

No, this is one of the poorest illogical arguments usually coming from people like you, because according to this statement, that makes the person a schizophrenic, that is the reason why people before they are diagnosed with transsexual condition are at first examined if they don't suffer any mental disorder as schizophrenia. However, when someone claims to be a man or woman, even if physically they are not, then there's a reason for that and has a scientific foundation - where such people really are who they say they are - while not reflecting their actual physical make-up, because their biological gender is not a mirror of their soul that make human beings the way they are.

Slowly i'm starting to believe that anyone who wants to fully understand this must have indeed some degree in philosophy and a huge moral compass.


I don't know. Science would say that they are still men because they were born with an XY chromosome pairing rather than an XX. Of course there are psychological factors, but those are much harder to define, such as is someone more cognitively female or are they more cognitively male. To be honest, the only way one can apply a gender is biological factors because there is too much gray area in determining other factors. So technically, that would make someone a homosexual or perhaps bisexual if said person likes women as well. I'm not entirely sure why that is such a big deal, it's not like being gay is the worst thing in the world, so I'm not sure why it's such a big deal to call someone gay if they sleep with transsexuals. Plus, there is no scientific proof of the soul, so I won't argue that point either.


winston_blade; Good grief. I can't even BELIEVE what i'm reading here. Are you people for real, i'm telling you that actual big deal here is an "ignorance - over-simplistic child-like view of the facts of nature" to anyone more educated, it's just not true to facts. Any respected doctor and specialist in the world working in this field today would acknowledge this to you. Please, someone do some study already for Christ's sake. Chromosomes are not THE only indicators of the gender, and we know that fact already for many years, any doctor telling the mother that she has a girl or a guy only because of the chromosomes or because "he" has a penis or "she" has a vagina is a lie when to comes to transsexuals, it is not the first guarantee of the real nature of the gender that starts in the brain at transsexual people. And by the way, this is what is currently taught at schools nowadays. No transsexual person can be linked with the gender of his original biology, because the only gender that exists is the one his/her body feelings and mind "naturally" responds to and he/she identifies with, and it's the psychic gender. And that's in reality no gray area in a modern science, as these cases repeat over and over again for several centuries already, in the world of psychology it's been a very well-defined phenomenon.

There IS a scientific proof of the soul, it's generally understood as the inner self, it's what the person feels and perceives, it's the certain body feelings that were scientifically examined and proven and THAT comes from and reflects the soul. And science already stated officially that transsexuals are of the opposite sex to that of what their biological origin indicates, in the late 70's it was proven that the certain development of the brain of Mtf transsexuals was indeed coinciding with the brain of genetic females, and not of the males.

Why do you think it is commonly known that transsexuals are in reality not changing their sex, but only their body to their right primary sex.

Not to mention that every human being is born with three genders: biological, anatomical and psychological, if the psychological gender doesn't match the biological gender, it is the former that takes a precedence, it is the brain that makes us who we are, not the physical appearance.

I'm not sure why it's such a big deal to call someone gay if they sleep with transsexuals

Because this sentence itself is beyond idiotic and goes against the nature of reality... like feelings and attractions. I can personally guarantee you that there is no and never was a genuine homosexual in the world who would love or feel attracted to a real woman that WAS a transsexual/biological male in the past, because the purpose of chromosomes was changed and terminated, the original XY work and function as XX in the development of bodies (please learn about the chromosomes and their sole purpose in our organisms), even though there's the "hybernating" sleeping stage of original chromosomes in the system. That's where lies the human common sense that a woman that was a transsexual looks, thinks and even SMELLS (from the particular sweat/skin) as a woman can not attract a homosexual man, if she does, then that man turns up to be in fact heterosexual.

Now, please stop assuming and guessing, and do some research and learn something about this.

PS: I think "you" as a heterosexual man (as i gather) would be quite aroused if you saw me, even if i told you i was biologically male before, you know why?! because your body would (even uncontrollably) respond that way. And later maybe even emotionally if you got to know me more (because my feelings and thinking are female), but that depends "if" i'm attractive to you in that area too.


To me it's pretty simple, if someone identifies herself as woman then her gender is female no matter what body and blood she was born with, because each one of us is given a contrasting *gender* role in society that would otherwise go automatically against the nature by doing the exact opposite of what we are instinctively supposed to do, which usually ultimately leads to a suicide of oneself, that's the proof itself why the chromosomes are not valued as the evidence of the gender any longer. They are a false guide in medical science, and even dangerous one in such cases. Therefore anyone who suffers a conflict between soul and body can not be judged by the biological measures anymore.

Seriously, how can anyone still hold onto the chromosomes if the science has already proven many times that there's far more to be found about one's gender than in the chromosomes. It's the primordial instincts and physical roles in the society that nature gave us that make us men and women. Which people with transsexual condition have at the very end. Gender dysphoria didn't come out of the blue one day.


Exactly.. well said, paton. Gender has always had many variations that don't match, just because the biological examination is easier to prove because we can see it doesn't mean that it is the only one.. psychology, that what is in the brain is much more complicated and also far more important evidence as it remains the main source that's driving all our lives, and only psychologists can prove that. In other simpler words, when we talk to a man or woman, we don't talk to their penis or vagina, but to their face, to their heart and mind. It is there what follows the nature.


If he was attracted to a pre-op MTF, for the fact that she was pre-op (meaning a penis still intact and that's what he wanted, no surgery), then yes, technically he would be considered bi or homosexual. However, if he's simply attracted to the woman, and supports the surgical change assuming she's pre-op at the time (and if she's post-op, the point is moot), then no, he is not necessarily bi or gay.

There are men (and I've met a few) who want socially hetero and sexually homo relationships. Those men are gay, something a transsexual woman wouldn't be interested in.


There are men (and I've met a few) who want socially hetero and sexually homo relationships. Those men are gay, something a transsexual woman wouldn't be interested in.

I TOTALLY agree...even though every one of these guys deny they are gay. It could also be they want to be transsexuals themselves (something else they deny), and that is why they always expect us to be exotically beautiful and more feminine than any genetic woman would ever be. Possibly they want to act out their own sexual fantasies/fetishes of being a woman through us, or need to "get over" on someone, too!


I'm actually really happy you shared this. It cleared up alot.



I'm a girl btw. I don't think that I'd consider it gay, although I don't know if I'd consider it completely straight either. This movie made me think about that topic. I mean I personally think that it doesn't matter and that sexuality is more than just gay, bi, or straight, but I can still see why you would wonder about the label. I mean, if I dated an mtf transsexual, I don't think I'd consider it straight just because they had a penis. Hope that maybe helped...



No, I would not. If you as a man have a relationship with a trassexual woman it makes you straight or possibly bisexual, but not gay. :)


I think the world would be a nicer place to live in if people refrain from labelling others and themselves... who cares? You're attracted to whomever you're attracted to... Are they consenting adults? That's all that matters!

For every lie I unlearn I learn something new - Ani Difranco


Interesting discussion. To piggy back on the last post and relating this topic to the movie, I think it was Barry Winchell's mom who said it best when she was questioned about her son's sexuality. "Was he gay? I don't know, I don't think so, but who cares! My son is dead!"

I'm not sure if I phrased her words exactly but this can be found in the post movie discussion on the DVD.

I also agree with the last poster. I can't wait for a time when we're all, along with being the same color, also identified as pansexuals. But I'm sure even then some ppl will still find other reasons to hate or discriminate.

~What if this is as good as it gets!~


ok really late after this post started but i had to add my two cents...

no you would not be gay you are attracted to a female. pre and post surgery a transsexual is identified by what they know they are not necessarily by what they were born with.

All the posters commenting that we are here to procreate are, i'm guessing, religious. Catholic law states that you can't marry someone who cannot produce children in the church.

People need to get over all of this and let people be free and happy with who they are and what they want to be. I am a straight female and i know that if i met someone felt something for them and found out they were trans it wouldn't matter, you love the person for who they are not their sexual orientation.


Being free and happy is not same as being psychotic. Any who is attracted to someone of same sex has mental problem, the transexual angle is taking it even further. AS for the transexuals, all the Oprah Winfrey/The View/CNN specials pushing it as normal (along with this movie) are nothing but attempt tho brainwash the simple minded. Apparently, it is working.


You my friend are an idiot and an ass. Let me guess you think the phelps family ins't so bad the tea party is great and poor people should all suffer and die. I got nothing but love for ya and I hope you fall in love with someone who makes you realize how simple minded you are and frees you from you sad little life! Hopefully a amazingly strong and indepent transsexual.


