MovieChat Forums > Smala Sussie (2003) Discussion > Best Swedish movie ever

Best Swedish movie ever

... without a doubt.


it is good, but not that good.
maybe you have seen to few.


It's good but not as good as Torsk på tallin.




Så som i himmelen och underbara älskade var bra också



I agree totaly...
Varför prata vi engelska?

With my last breath I curse Zoidberg!


Jag antar att in kan svenska här eller? Och detta ÄR den bästa svenska film som gjorts..

Pölsa has no fear, because he got a lot of beer.


Smala Sussie är skitfränt! Bästa soundtrack hittills... åtminstone innan "Pölsa Trilogien" kommer ut. ;)

"I wanna be like Mother friggin' Teresa, but with a diva attitude" - Dominique, ANTM Cycle 10


It's ONE of the best scandinavian movies I've ever seen, not THE best.

I'm from Norway and the movies we make her sucks! Sussie made me realize that Sweden and Denmark will always make much better movies than Norway, even with a minimal budget.

Norway is a *beep* embarrising place. Go Sweden and Denmark movies!


Torsk på Tallin is better, but not feature length.


What about Dead Snow? AWESOME Norwegian film. Easily the best nazi zombie movie of that year!


Au weia, echt?
Deinem Nick zu urteilen bist Du ja Deutsche/r, genau wie ich.

Ich fand diesen Film geradezu scheusslich und ekelhaft.

Jag såg filmen idag för första gången och jag tycker att filmen är verkligen elaka och fruktansvärd. Det var som en för långt punk videoclip, och jag gillar inte det.

Jag älskar svensk kulturen verkligen, ja lärde mig er språk 25 år sen. Jag vuxnade upp med Abborna och ideen om att allting är skönt och bättre i Skandinavia än i mitt egen (tysk) land. Jag titta svensk filmer ofta, om jag kan, när de är i vårt Blockbuster i staden. En nu såg ja den här. Det var verkligen inte skönt, och jag skulle skriva mer om hur elak det var, om jag bara visste mer ord.

Sorry for my rusty swedish, it is quite rusty after so many years unused. This movie was really disgusting and bad. It is basically a too long punk video, with all elements one would expect to see in a punk film. I guess I am too old for that.

I absolutely love skandinavian movies, but not this kind.
Raskenstam, Under solen, Efter bryllupet, Elling, you know, that kind of movies I do appreciate. But not this crap. Or should I write "vomit" instead of crap?


Well, Efter Bryluppet is a danish movie and Elling as a norwegian. Under Solen is made by Nutley who is himself brittish, swedish production allthough. Raskenstam is the only really swedish movie of the ones you mentioned. Haven't seen it though, not even heard of it.
Smala Sussie is far from crap, more fun and witty.
Schön tag noch.


Of course you are right, pointing out the danish and norwegian productions. But did I call them swedish? I was thinking of "scandinavian" films all together. But yeah, okay, I admit that I am getting very annoyed by non-Germans who mix Bavarians with us Germans. So, a point for you here, as you "caught" me mixing Skandinavians together.

You should look out Raskenstam if you can. I assume it is only available in Skandinavia. Wow, the fact that you have never heard of it tells me how young you must be. It was a 1982 production with Agnetha Fältskog starring in it, about a marriage impostor during the early 1940s (I believe to remember). I also believe this was a film about an actual (historical) case. The guy called himself Direktör Raskenstam, that is how the title came.

But then, maybe you would not like that film, as you mentioned you liked Smala Sussie. Raskenstam is nothing like that at all. More old school, beautiful pictures, beautiful music, old fashioned all the way... I wished I had a way to get it here in the States.


My mistake, you did point them out as scandinavian and not as swedish.
No, never heard of Raskenstam but then I think that there are loads of movies in that genre so you can't keep track of them all. The title made my think of Raskens though. It's an adaption of a swedish authours story about a poor worker who joins the army to climb the ladder of society in the countryside of sweden in the 1800s. Stars Sven Wollter as the main character, it's worth a check if you enjoy swedish productions. Made in 75 or 76.

To follow up on both Wollter, and your comment about movies with more old fashioned style and lots of focus on music and photo etc. Then you should try to get a hold of Offret from 86. Tarkosvky wrote and directed it, stars Sven Wollter and Allan Edwall among others.

Then we have our big ace, Roy Andersson. Completely unique but so magnificent. You don't find movies like his anywhere else.

For movies in a more cassual mode but I still think goes with the theme you are looking for, check out some movies by Lars Molin. Don't bother Repmånad, it's silly, nothing else. But Saxofonhallicken, Potatishandlaren, Midvinterduell and Den Tatuerade Änkan would probably suit you.

To get back to Smala Susie, the breakthrough for the guy who made the movie, Ulf Malmros, is way more serious so you might want to take a look at that one instead. It's called Den Bästa Sommaren.

Then there's movies made by people that I'm not familiar with but that still are worth a look at. Hela Härligheten with Thomas Von Brömsen and Underbara Älskade with Michael Nyqvist. If you're up for some akward tension you might even dare to see De Ofrivilliga from the very promising Ruben Östlund.

Could go on with more serious movies for I don't know how long. Never hurts to try different genres. Smala Susie is still one of the best swedis movies in my opinion. Born 88.


Thank you very much for the list of interesting movies, I really appreciate that! Not all of them will be likely available in the USA (where I am living), but I copy the titles into a notepad to have them ready when I see european films listed for rent.

Reading your list makes me aware of how little I really know about skandinavian movies and film culture.

I do agree with your suggestion, that it never hurts to try a different genre. You are right, and we are often jumping into an unknown movie from a different culture, just to learn something and experience something new. It is not always enjoyable (like in this example with Smala Susie), but definately always a learning experience.


Ich nicht deutschland, go home!


What are you trying to say?
You wrote (translated into english) "I not Germany". A sentence without any verb in it makes no sense.

Oh, you want to send me home? Guess what: despite the wrongfull propaganda about money-collecting immigrants, my husband has to pay a lot of money to his government, to keep me here in legal circumstances. Yes, we have to pay fees to the american immigration offices!

I bet you did not know that. So, if I were really going home, that would reduce the money for your government. Not that it would make a big difference, but whenever I see such brainless comments, I am getting annoyed.

Sorry to the other readers who are correctly thinking that this was off topic.


Hahaha "Ich nicht deutchland/I not Germany"! That was funny. On behaf of my people I apologize for that comment. Hahaha, funny as hell though... I don't speak german but I think "Ich nicht sprachen deautch" would be a more correct thing to say instead of "Ich nicht Deutchland".

"Are you Always Mega Hot or are you just happy to see me?"


That's a line from the movie, Dummköpfe (that's plural for Dummkopf, right?)! When Nick Thirteen (who's stapled himself to the floor) calls Hash/Haggis/"liver, heart, onion, pot barley, and often beef mince or minced pork, mixed with stock, black pepper, and marjoram" (or whatever you can translate "Pölsa" to), the latter, in the Swede's patented "hilariously stereotype" (in this case, "German sounds like someone with a speech impediment is speaking) humour style, believes it's a German. There. I explained the joke. Whatcha gonna do about it?


Don't you mean "What are you going to do about it?"?
"Are you Always Mega Hot or are you just happy to see me?"


youre a bit retarded... This is probably the worst swedish *beep* ive ever seen. only livet in 8 bitar was worse.


Could not agree more! There's nothing wrong with swedish films it's just that they are often so depressing like beck and vallander.
I did like Män som hatar kvinnor but thats it.


Beck and Vallander are typical swedish criminal storys. Following a long line of movies from as early as the 70's. There are a lot better once out there if you check the early stuff out, but i think you will still find them all gloomy and depressing. Its just the way they are..
However there are also tons of completely diffrent types of movies. During the 90's we saw many teen movies in sweden. Slim Sussie is also a new brand of movies to come out. Crasy comedy. But trust me when i say this.. Unless your swedish you will never get the humor. This film is packed with small detailes typical for sweds as a people and sweden as a country. They also play around a lot with the language and that always gets a bit lost in translation.
If you did like Slim Sussie you gotta check out (Mammas Pojkar). Same team behinde that movie. Its about 2 40 year old hardrockers that refuse to grow up.


Jag kommer aldrig gilla svensk film. De gör verkligen inte filmer med artistiskt värde till skillnad från Danmark. Många svenskar är så enkelt underhållna, det kan man komma fram till då det enda som kommer ut här är Beck och fimiljedramor som visar den dystra "verkligheten" i dysfunktionella familjer. De försöker alltid göra typiska oscar snobs, men de inser inte att deras fimiljedramor är skit till skillnad från andra länders filmer.

Nicolas wending refn är en av de bästa och orginella reggisörerna som lever idag, som e dansk.
Jag kan erkänna att det finns bra svenska komedier dock


Nej jag kommer nog inte heller att gilla svensk film med vissa komedier som undantag. Men jag såg "Barnens Ö" och "Älska mig" på 80 talet. Båda gjorda av Kaj Pollak som regiserade "Så som i himlen senast". Än idag står sig de som det bästa svenska drama jag har sett. Tyvärr går ingen av dessa filmer att få tag på idag. Aldrig släppta på dvd eller BR och ingen kanal visar de. Skulle någon av er därute sitta på ett ex av VHS kan jag tänka mig att betala för de.

Vad gäller artistiskt värde lutar jag mer själv åt asiatiska filmer. Ur en rent estetisk synvinkel har jag aldrig sett någon vackrare film än "HERO 2002".. som poesi i rörelse.

Dansk film vet jag väldigt lite om. Lars von trier är dock för mig personligen en av tidernas mest överskattade regisörer. Melancolia var det tristaste skit jag sett på evigheter. (borde man igentligen fatta redan av titeln)..

My God!.. Its Full of Stars!!
