
Don't get me wrong, i oved the game, but it only took me 5:06 hours to complete. Even the first one took a good 8 hours including the extra bit and Silent Hill 2 took around 11 hours. I was sitting playing 3 and had a game time of about 3 and a bit hours and i was just leaving the hospital thinking, great ive still got loads more game left, then suddenly im fighting a massive thing and the game ends. I was rather gutted.

This is glue. Strong stuff. - Elwood Blues of The Blues Brothers


Wow that's pretty impressive for first time out. I think the first time i beat in around 9 hours or so. Unfortunately, SH3 doesn't have a whole lot of replay value IMO. I mean you do have multiple endings you can accomplish, but they're really not as memorable as say SH2, for example.

I would recommend that you search through all the nooks and crannies in the game if you haven't already done so though. You might find something that you missed the first time around. Not to mention playing on the Hard level if you want a challenge!

If you do not turn on to politics, politics will turn on you.



No, I have to agree, Silent Hill 3 didn't have as much genuine replay value as the previous two games. It was sort of like playing Deep Fear in that you'd play it only to see anything you didn't spot the first time around and relive the dramatic moments in the game.

Silent Hill 3 really shot itself in the replay value foot by using that BS Resident Evil 2 weapon reduction ranking every time you use a weapon you unlock; what's the point of unlocking a weapon you get punished for using? Plus, some of the extra weapons were badly needed against those obnoxiously over-powered enemies. The extras in Silent Hill 3 were pretty lame, too
