MovieChat Forums > Ricordati di me (2003) Discussion > whats your own personal ending...

whats your own personal ending...

hi! I'm from Singapore.. i just saw the movie.. and frankly i looove it..

i would like to know your own personal ending.. ok heres my ending..
i think that Carlo will meet up with Alessia and tell her what happened to him and why he bailed up on her.. and i still believe from the last few seconds of the movie Carlo forced himself to smile in the video, that shows he is still unhappy about his current life. I felt he still wanna run away from his family to Alessia. but i doubt that Alessia still wanna get back with him after what she went through and all. Seems when Carlo asked Alessia if he is still worth something.. Alessia replied don't start.. so least likely Alessia wanna get back with him..
Well thats from my perspective..

Alrite now, tell me whats your point of view on my ending and share your own personal ending..


and i still believe from the last few seconds of the movie Carlo forced himself to smile in the video, that shows he is still unhappy about his current life. I felt he still wanna run away from his family to Alessia.

True, i've had the same feeling. I guess Carlo is going to continue his relationship with Alessia. Alessia was no more with her husband (she mentioned she has a new house with ker kids) and i guess she wanted to come back with Carlo. When Carlo asked Alessia if he is still worth something, Alessia replied don't start because it's obvious for her come back with him. She doesn't want to discuss her feelings by phone.


To me, Carlo seems the archetype of the passive man. He's not happy with his life, but he's afraid to change it. Intellectually, he has nothing in common with his wife anymore (if he ever did) and feels like a failure around her, but Alessia "gets" him, with her he feels the man he wants to be. He wants to take the steps to liberate himself from a pointless marriage, but he expects Alessia to babysit and guide him, emotionally. The accident separates him from Alessia, so, away from her he loses his nerve. Alessia realized that, hence her reply "Don't start" to his question on the phone. She loves him, but she won't carry him anymore, if he wants to come to her, he'll have to do it on his own. The film ends with him stuck in a marriage that feels fake, paralized by a passivity or, rather, cowardice, that will probably always prevent him from taking charge of his life.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
Oscar Wilde


I just see him as insecure. This guy doesnt know what he wants because he's always questioning himself. He repressed his feelings before so much, and as a result releasing that tension, he ended up where he is now.

He's the typical guy that always asks about the "what if."


Probably a bit late for this reply, but excellent analysis of Carlo and Alessia :-)
I do think that the accident was more of a setback to their being together than anything else, so Carlo would eventually 'create' a situation where he could leave and be with Alessia as he would be too weak to just leave.


Thank you, foOki

I think that someone like Carlo would probably never make the decisive step unless he has a feeling of certainty from Alessia's support. I can see him resorting to prevarications to meet Alessia, but as long as his wife would not let go of him, he would not leave his marriage. I don't necessarily blame him for that - it takes a lot of guts to seek happiness, even if the reward is finally being true to oneself, if it involves hurting someone dear. However, staying would not make anyone happy either - not even his wife, as she would know he's rather a prisoner than her willing partner, and she'd live with the fear that he might leave. Not to mention how corrosive it can be to know you cling to someone who's longing for another.

"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars."
Oscar Wilde


Having just wathced this movie, I got the impression from the last scene that Carlo will once again get back with Alessia. And I also believe that she will be more than happy to have him back.
It's clear that she had got a divorce from her husband (Christmas dinner with her kids only), which shows her determination to be with Carlo, before his accident happened. She was the only one who really knew him, and accepted him just like he was: with his sensitivities, his weaknesses and she also truly appreciated his qualities and believed in him.
They shared the shame (sensitive) view for life and that is why she genuinelly liked his novel. His wife on the other hand disliked it.
To get back to the ending, the tear in Alessia's face when she talked to him on the phone, shows how much she thought of him, and waited for this phone-call. And having agreed to meet with him again, I believe they will have the happy ending they deserve..


I have to disagree with all these posts saying that Carlo will continue to pursue Alessia, is still misterable, etc. No matter how miserable he believed he was, Carlo from the get go was still a guy who had enough to be a potentially happy person but was depriving himself of this happiness by choice. He still had a beautiful family (that he chooses to neglect), nice job (objectively speaking), colleagues that respected him, etc. But what keeps him from being happy is his own unfullfilled desires that he also chooses to hold onto.

He always loved Guilia and even says it himself, but hated what she reminded him of, as she was the one he was with when he gives up his author dreams and throughout his emotionally unfulfilling job. She represented failure and despair and he unconsciously takes out his own insecurites on her through his lack of affection. He obviously loved Alessia too but I think its what SHE represented that makes him do everything he does with her. Alessia personified youth and hope and through her he rekindles his past dream to be an author and finds some meaning in his life again.

After Carlo's accident he noticably acts different towards his family and is no longer seen interacting with them on that superficial level seen earlier in the movie. I think the accident is what makes him reprioritize whats important in his life and also makes him realize that Alessia and him just cant be. But he still feels she deserves an explanation which is what prompts the phone call.

What I think the movie ultimately says is that you cant have everything you want in life and to continue to dwell on what you dont have can make you take for granted what you already/can have. Sometimes you just have to let go or face the consequences. Carlo almost losing his job, his family and even his own life shows this. As does Guilia's emotional breakdown from her constant self pitying and Paolos total fixation on a girl whos not romantically interested in him. Guilia lets go of her failure past and eventually gets the confidence and theatre success she wanted. Paolo lets go of his obsession for that that girl and gets the female companionship he wanted from another. With all this said what I think the ending truly represents is Carlo finally letting go. I believe I saw a genuine smile in that ending.


All these replies are great and mine is just another one...I think he will leave her and his job, become an author and have a purposeful life with Alessia. She will encourage him to fulfill his true ambitions and her children will benefit from a father figure he will bring to the kids. His children are own their own and in relationships that work for their growth and development - which is what the movie is really all about as I see it. It would be nice to see a sequel of this movie in the likes of Cinema Paradiso "Director's Cut" version which adds the missing link to the original. If you have seen both versions of Cinema Paradiso you will know what I am talking about.


this film was on tv last nite(NZ) I think from the ending you can tell
he will divorce his wife - I mean come on, Monica Bellucci!.


I think he is confused, but he just wants to meet with Allesia to explain to her he accident and change of heart. He is confused about how he feels, but at the end he does force himself to smile but it turns into a real smile as he realizes how blessed he is.



""""i think that Carlo will meet up with Alessia and tell her what happened to him and why he bailed up on her.."""" sycophantic_dean

Yes I think they will meet up again and possibly eventually go away together, BUT I do think that Carlo must have somehow already told Alessia what happened to him that night that he was so badly hurt....You can see that Alessia knows about it already...He would never have kept her in the dark about it, and probably he called her at some point after his accident to let her know.



I think Carlo, his entire family and even the TV boyfriend Stefano all have very low self esteem. Giulia degraded Carlo's writing and his work. Carlo did the same to Giulia even saying she was talentless - both in an attempt to justify their feelings about themselves. The children both attacked the parents verbally claiming they'd one day be more successful as them. I think as each person attained success on their own, the movie showed us where each realized their self worth and returned to the family as a loving contributor. The final scene is showing us Carlos' realizing his self worth during his phone call and returning to the family completely. The title of the movie is Remember me, Love me. Carlos wants Allesia to remember him and love him forever - even if it is from afar.


Personally when the film ended I showed the screen the middle finger, and prayed it meant something. A film that ends with drinking the neo-rich drink can barely be thought of as a complete story, not heroic heroes that don't even seem able to make up their minds, not to say learn from their mistakes. I would say an ideal-demolishing film.
