The 'sins' in this movie

this is not made by me, it's made by no other than


Wanton Violence/Crime (W)

near drownings
rescue perils
pin stabbing into backside of a character in pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey (just the thing a child might emulate)

Impudence/Hate (I)

fight/physical argument
dangerous risk-taking

Sex/Homosexuality (S)

none noted

Drugs/Alcohol (D):

none noted

Offense to God (O)

none noted

Murder/Suicide (M)

none noted

All the world will be your enemy, Prince With a Thousand Enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, full of tricks, and your people shall never be destroyed.


~Proud to be a Gleek!~

Now I know, don't be scared. Granny is right, just be prepared.


I love that site. I wonder if anyone (aside from right-wing Christian nutters) takes it seriously?


I wonder...

All the world will be your enemy, Prince With a Thousand Enemies. And whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first, they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, Prince with the swift warning. Be cunning, full of tricks, and your people shall never be destroyed.


~Proud to be a Gleek!~

Now I know, don't be scared. Granny is right, just be prepared.
