MovieChat Forums > Pôn (2002) Discussion > Sinnerman's review of Phone. Intriguing ...

Sinnerman's review of Phone. Intriguing to say the least

(mild spoilers)


First up for those who haven't seen Phone, Sinnerman's verdict of "it sucks" should not put you off! Phone does struggle to be genuinely scary with the ability to make you jump out of your seat, but it has some 'nice' (in a horror film kind of way) scenes which save it from being bottom of the barrel. As far as Korean horror, "A Tale of Two Sisters" surely is sitting at the top of the pile.

Unlike Two Sisters, Phone leaves no stone unturned, nothing is left to the viewer to make up their own mind. If you had a query about an element of the plot, you can be pretty sure there's a scene towards the end of the film in the form of a flashback that deals with it.

Ju-On: The Grudge is worth watching if you haven't seen it, and so too is Kairo (not as comparable to Phone & Ju-On, but more more bizarre than Phone and based about t'Internet.)

SECONDLY "...the greatest mis-step in this travesty of a film is its ethically criminal casting of ...a very, very young girl. The emotional demands and moral ambiguities required for that role called into question the sheer irresponsibility of all involved in this project."

What?! Are you serious?

Sinnerman has a slight point to suggest, " the psychological impact...on that little girl" - a view that can be found in the review of Phone:

"The one element besides the derivative nature of "Phone" that may turn some people off is the usage of the child character. As in the "Exorcist", child actor Seo-woo Eun is required to do quite a bit of acting, the bulk of which she probably doesn't understand the reasons for. Because a vengeful ghost is possessing the child, she's required to act evil and dark... I have to wonder what repercussions this might have on her in the future. I bring this up only because the child is required to do, and say, a number of things that are, in all honestly, not acceptable in civilized society."

Having very little knowledge on Korean culture, I cannot say what is taboo and what isn't. But Phone DOES NOT contain any scenes which are not acceptable in civilized society. The film features a 6 yr old girl as a main character, performed by a young actress with incredible talent (ok, so that might be a bit extreme (a 6yr old Linda Blair played an equally convincing possessed girl in The Exorcist)but by doing so the film doesn't because become a travesty and the film-makers irresponsible.

No, of course not.

The film's use of such a young character in a disturbing way is daring and should be commended. The 'fall down the stairs' scene is shocking, but acceptable. (Does the review imply that Korea is uncivilised?) The BBFC passed Phone as a 15, with no cuts.

Would the film-makers and the actresses parents really have allowed this girl to play a roll of a child possessed if the actress in question could have severe psychological repercussions? I find it hard pressed to answer YES to that.

Phone is entertaining yet disappointing. Shocking, daring but not exploitative. 3/5


Excellent rebuttal!

One slight pedantic point to make, though: Linda Blair was not 6 when she made "Exorcist".


why thank you. OK, so you got me at the Linda Blair thing. But you got the idea.


So agree with you!!!
The only thing that "sucks" is the review of that Sinnerman *beep*



The girl was amazingly funny in this film. I had to laugh my ass off everyime she appeared. And that was laughter in a good sense, not laughter out of disbelief or pity. She was just too damn funny with her screams and stuff. That's why I give Phone 9/10. The girl. When she falled down the stairs and staired at the reporter and turned her eyes upside down, man, great stuff. :)



i agree, that is really ridiculous. i was shocked by her performance, but if the "special features" interviews and commentaries are any indication, this is a happy, well-adjusted kid who had a blast making this movie.

I suppose you think I'm going insane just to be fashionable.


an asian dakota fanning that is what she is.
A very very good actress i admire her now and i wish that she would be able to play in bigger movies.
