self defense

The killer lady could have gotten off on self defense! The girl fricken tried to choke her to death!!!!!! I would have killed the b-tch, too. The killer lady didn't deserve to die, and could have gotten off on self defense had she immediately called the police after the girl rolled down the steps. Anyone agree?

Before you die, you see the donut...


Totally agree. Would have made more sense to keep the characters consistent. That is, if the wife was going to turn out to be a villainess at the end, she should have been the bad guy in the confrontation with the girl.


yeah, that sort of bothered me too. but in the beginning she makes such a big issue about how her family is perfect and she wants the perfect family for the little girl. i really don't think she was playing with a full deck of cards, and finding out her husband was cheating destroyed her. she wanted to erase (or dry wall!) all evidence that it ever happened.

my question is this: how much did the husband know? did he think jin-hee just fell off the face of the planet? did he know she was in the wall? is he dead at the end or just stun-gunned?

I suppose you think I'm going insane just to be fashionable.


I think the husband is dead at the end. The wife stun gunned him, put him in the bathtub then slit his wrists


I agree that the killer shouldnt get arrested because it was self-defense but realistically she would have been locked up. Think about how suspicious it would seem; she just found out this girl was pregnant from an affair with her husband, just after that the girl falls down her stairs, gets back up and is beaten to death with a statue! Self-defence sounds like a poor alibi in this case!


I was thinking self defense, too. She (the crazy schoolgirl)wasn't worth the trouble, if you know what I mean.


It actually wasn't self defense because she hit her with a statue when the girl was just coming towards her to get the phone. If she had called the police right after the girl fell down the stairs then she wouldn't have died and poof goes the movie.


>>>It actually wasn't self defense because she hit her with a statue when the girl was just coming towards her to get the phone.<<<

Exactly. Did the pro-self-defense posters miss part of the scene?

-Teenage Girl is strangling Wife.
-Wife pushes Teenage Girl away, who happens to fall down the stairs (self-defense).
-Wife sees that Teenage Girl is injured, but not dead, and sits down to watch as teenage Girl struggles to use the cellphone to call out.
-Wife just sits there as Teenage Girl appears to die.*
-Wife wraps up Teenage Girl in plastic.
-Teenage Girl suddenly stands up (i.e. not dead).*
-Wife bludgeons Teenage Girl with small statue.*

*I would hardly call sitting by, watching your victim die, then attacking them with a blunt object when you find out there are *not* dead, "self defense". But as I said in my other comment, in North America, women can usually get away with, or at least, get light sentences on murder, because it is usually "justified" somehow. :rolleyes:


Keep in mind that the movie isn't set in America. (however, I'm not familiar with Korean law enforcement..)



The principles of criminal law should be the same in all countries...

but yeah, I agree with someone up there that the killer lady thought she had perfect everything. The only inperfection is that she's sterile and had to have her sister to have the baby for her. From what I remembered of the movie, Jin Hee stabbed at that fact and it drove her nuts. Most of the time unless it was premeditated murder it usually happens when the killers don't even realise what they are doing, and by the time the adrenaline wears out they realises they have killed someone. I think this was the case... I would be mad and want to kill the girl if I was in her shoes... Jin Hee was her living nightmare, taunting her like the demons whispers... *shudders*

Humans are destroyers of the worlds.
Humans shall destroy them selves in the end.


Well, in North America, women can do practically whatever murdering crime they want and either: 1) Get off scott-free, 2) Be told that it was not *their* fault and get a light sentence or 3) be diagnosed as mentally ill, spend a few months in "therapy", then they are free.

Perhaps they do things differently in Asia :\
