Based on true story?

I noticed text at the end of the film which appeared to imply the movie was based on true events. Or at least speculation used to fill in the gaps between accounts of events that did happen. e.g. The police are still trying to identify the finger prints of seven more people left on the blue spray paint can....

Question: Is this meant to be a film of allegedly true events or is it fictional? Perhaps it's a riddle LOL!


I believe the movie was fictional, because if it was base on true event, it would have clearly stated on the IMDB board. But I will still hold out for someone who might know a little more on the subject.




It's not based on a true story, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's some sort of riddle game going on out there, or something weird inspired by the film, or a cult or something. The words at the end did seem like the little blurbs at the end of movies based on true events, but I don't think they were trying to make us think it was a true story. Actually, maybe they did want us to think that, but it's not.

Tomorrow's just your future yesterday!


There are dozens, if not hundreds, of purely fictional films which end with statements like that. What they are trying to imply is that they're cleverer than they are. I'm stunned that these not uncommon (fiction movie) tag-lines are so unfamiliar to so many of you. There are also lots of fictional quotes and fictional plot twists added to many "nonfiction" films. Film-makers do not worry about whether viewers believe fictional things they cloak as nonfictional. What they care about is how interesting they make their films, though I can't say they always do a good job of that either.
