Monkey Guy

In the scene where Seagal is facing off with that guy in the China Town barbershop, the guy that fights Seagal apparently can do anything a small monkey would be capable of. Is this some kind of overblown take on Monkey Kung Fu or something?

P.S. - Seagal takes a step in the right direction with this film (a bad a** aikidoka who can take on anybody).


I admire the Monkey Guy. His moves are CRISP. Monkey Style is as EFFECTIVE as Aikido and even LETHAL if done by the right person and right movie. But since he's a bad guy on the movie, he's bound to be defeated. I hope there be another movie where he plays a good guy, delivers his stuff superb and wins. I mean ... WINS!!!


There are at least 14 errors with that one scene. Seagal connot make movies. end of story.



wait ur talking about the scene where the guy scratches his hair while he's crawling on the ground, and then starts crawling on the walls, right? Within the first ten minutes I was just like, "this movie sucks," but now I've got to finish it to see what else they come up with


So, explain the errors.


wait what, post ftl?


Monkey Guy's wire fu ranked a 4 out of 10. The only movie where I can think of with worse wire fu was Sister Street Fighter, 1974. But they have the excuse of being one of the first movies with people fighting while wearing wire. Plus it was a good 20 years plus before "cheap" CGI.

Whatever hits the fan will not be evenly distributed. --Law of Probable Dispersal


That wasn't Seagal throwing the kicks was it? It was a stunt double. The thing is the double was never hit. So the stunt double must have been there because Seagal was too heavy to jump on one leg?
