One Slipper or Two?!

When May & Toots first leave for London we see one slipper seemingly lying discarded in the hall & yet when widowed May returns home there appears to be two slippers placed neatly side by side?!
Is it just me,a continuity error perhaps or is there some subliminal message conveyed here that I have completely missed out on? I got the impression that the house was completely empty when they were away.


I noticed the same thing too, but the movie was so boring I couldn't watch the rest of it to see if it may have had any significance. All I can figure was toot's ghost came back and put both slippers there. At least that would have made for a more interestng plot. I applaud the patience of anyone who actually watched this whole film. I got through about 45 mintues of it before washing a fork seemed much more important.


I noticed that too. I think it's just a continuity error. Things like that drive me crazy.



I'm pretty sure it actually was two slippers in the opening shot. It was just the camera angle that made it look like one.


I noticed the same thing cos I was paying real good attention to this movie (cos it fascinated me) and looked it up on imdb goofs, but there is no mention of it there...

He would make outrageous claims like he invented the question mark.
