MovieChat Forums > De tweeling (2002) Discussion > Saddest movie I have ever seen and perso...

Saddest movie I have ever seen and personal observations

I watched this film for the second time last night. It is one of the most honest depictions of love and so moving. Each of the women had fallen in love with the person and the circumstances around that were not entirely understood. Especially by Anna who had suffered great abuse in her childhood and been deprived any schooling. To suffer so as a child it helped me understand why so many would have loved Hitler.
Following her life from a child in the muddy pig pens being beaten and then having such promise of a new life she knew no better than to be swept up in this ideology. She did not know of the torture committed and it is only recently that certain classified footage of what happened in those concentration camps has been released to the public. The soldiers are not always the same as the ones calling the shots, the ones behind it all as some are just seeking a way out of poverty. There were some good men seeking a life for themselves and their families, no different than the love of a Jew who loves his family. Despite polotics love sometimes does not make the best choice.

I think Lotte was so devestated and grief stricken by Davids death she blamed herself for leaving her handbag behind. The guilt was unbearable so she was suffering such despair she just found the sight of the Nazi uniform and soldier terrifying, especially betrothed to her sister.

Yet Anna was brainwashed to disrespect Jews or see them as sub human and this is a shame that she did not have a proper upbringing to give her a better view.
No one should be blamed for falling in love with who they did. This requires a level of forgiveness, understanding and love to be found at the end. It is normal to hate the Nazis, especially if you see recent documentaries of the experiments carried out on actual Jewish twins in camps.
Think of your own evil government, would you want to be judged because of thier despicable covert silent genocide of the masses now with depopulation programs, of poisoning food, water, air. Evil is everywhere, but some times you have to do the best you can and this movie proves that never ever ever, stop loving your brother or sister, forgive them.
