Holmes and Watson

Holmes and Watson in this had the sweetest relationship, I think it brought to the front some of the issues 'hinted' at in the books. When Holmes assures Watson that he will keep him properly informed after Watson has a hissy fit about the fact that Holmes knows who the villain is, they exchange a look that is just so meaningful and real. Watson's face when Stapleton is asking to take a cast of Holmes' skull is priceless, and Holmes' reaction when he sees that Watson's been shot is heart wrenching. He can't decide whether to stay with his friend or chase after Stapleton. He goes pale and just whispers 'Watson... oh, God...'

So the point of this message is to highlight just how nice this relationship is in this production. Anybody agree? Have any points on the issue?


This movie was just on last night, and I taped it but didn't get to watch all of it. From what I've seen, I'm definitely going to agree with you. Even when Watson's leaving with Sir Henry, Holmes' quiet, "Bye, Watson." stuck me as very sweet. I'm excited to watch the rest of it knowing that their relationship is stressed because in the other movies I've watched, Holmes mainly looks down upon Watson. It wasn't really like that in the original stories.


I thought it was me that saw those things.... but apparantly more people see them too :) I agree, I loved the relationship between Holmes and Watson. It was so sweet :)


I was pleased with the way the relationship was portrayed in this adaptation ... I liked how Watson was a much stronger character, more in keeping with the original stories, rather than the "bumbling idiot" stereotype that unfortunately still persists. The original Watson was certainly very tolerant when it came to Holmes' eccentricities, but was always man enough to call him out on anything he disagreed with: one of my favourite moments was in "The Adventure of Charles Augustus Milverton" when Holmes is planning to break into the villain's home and Watson tells him that he's going with him or else he'll go straight to the police!

Plus I thought that their relationship was portrayed much more accurately overall. In the books Holmes was always a bit inclined to take advantage of Watson's good nature, but he frequently called Watson his friend and there's a really touching moment in "The Adventure of the Three Garridebs" when Watson is grazed by a bullet and Holmes is really frightened in case the wound is serious. Let's face it, someone as brilliant as Holmes would never put up with an idiot, let alone have one as his only friend!

"Space may be the final frontier but it's made in a Hollywood basement."


Sweet? What planet are you on?

This movie depicts them as having a very strained friendship, with Watson barely tolerating him. Holmes' shocked and concerned reaction to Watson being shot is the same as anyone would upon seeing an injured acquaintance. A cynic might think that your mention of "hinting" points to your being some sort of deranged fag-hag, wanting to put strange interpretions on friendship.



I agree, David I think their relationship was indeed very strained; sure in the long run they're good friends, but the term "sweet" does not come to mind

Obama is neither the Messiah nor the Devil incarnate; Get it through your heads folks


Why does Watson in this production remind me of Captain Darling of Blackadder fame?
