Yolanda Evans

I Understand this movie isn't to everyone's taste...it's just a sweet natured film with average acting, average story, and rubbish script, the over-use of "gangsta" talk is unbelievable, but didn't y'all think jessica alba was great, no, i'll say it wasn't a great performance acting-wise...but it really was an energetic performance that made the film, i'd never previously noticed how sexy she is! Anyway, i'll get to the point. Is it just me or was the ending scene amazing? the combination of that amazing song by Yolanda Evans and the excellent dance routine by the kids, in my opinion, is mind-blowing, it gives me goose-pimples every time, it's amazing, absolutely brilliant, it's such a lovely song, i wanna buy it!


Twista_Fuzz here


btw that song is by yolanda adams not evans and yea its a great song.


oh my god, the ending is so good!!! the song really works well with the dancing, its just amazing! i think its definately on a par with the 'dirty dancing' ending!


Yea I agree. I loved the ending. The combination of all kinds of genres of dance and how the children's parents showed up. I thought it was awesome!

"Life is like a bubblebath - if you stay in too long, it will give you wrinkles"
