MovieChat Forums > Freaky Friday (2003) Discussion > Ear piercing: This REALLY bothered me.

Ear piercing: This REALLY bothered me.

I just watched this movie again last night for the first time since it came out on DVD. When Anna (as Tess) gets the stud in her ear, I got a bit upset. NO piercer who knows what they're doing would EVER use a gun to put a piercing there. Guns really shouldn't be used at all, but especially not on any "abnormally placed" piercing like that. I know it's just a movie, but as a person with piercings, this really struck a nerve.

comes in a little glass vial!


As a person with piercings, I felt inclined to reply to you. Are you referring to the cartilage piercing on the upper ear? I had mine done with a gun in the same spot (only on my left ear) over 10 years ago. There is no reason to not use a gun on this area, and many people who are afraid of needles would be happy to know they can get this done without a scary thick gauged needles. Plus, as is obvious by the redness and positioning of the stud, you can tell she is sporting a magnetic piercing and not a real one.


As a person who also has ear piercings, I can tell you that using a gun to pierce your cartilage can actually shatter said cartilage. It is MUCH safer to use a needle, and you don't have to use a "scary thick gauged" needle.

Also, I'm well aware that it's not a real piercing.

How is Harvey Wallbanger one word?!


Not trying to argue here, but I also got my cartilage pierced in that exact spot. With a gun.


See, the thing is, when the person who replied first got theirs done, it was 10 years ago, before piercers knew it could shatter the cartilage. For every person the piercing went right on, there are probably three times as many who had their ear permanently damaged.

It's not for me to tell anyone what they can and cannot do, I was just pointing out knowledge I have as someone with piercings (and who has toyed with the idea of becoming a body piercer) that it's really not a good idea to get it done with a gun.

How is Harvey Wallbanger one word?!


Late response, I know..
But, you wrote that in 2009 and the film was made in 2003. 6 years earlier.
Here in my little little town (like 2-3000 people) we have a place that u can get ears pierced (well just normal earrings not in any other place if u know what I mean), and they do it with a gun.
But in the bigger town that is near here, they never use a gun, not for nothing.

So it could be that for now 8 years ago, they were in the changing from guns to needles or what they now use.

So its not that odd that the piercer use a gun to me.

(oh, and I'm from Sweden so sorry if my english sometimes sucks)


Late response also. I got mine pierce a little over a year ago, also with a gun. And it was fine. Still have it, no shattering of anything. It depends where you go. I also have 10 other piercings, so this isn't just an ears thing.


Not even a scientist but that is ridiculous.


Why? I am a scientist; Masters Degree in Biology and a medical student, so I feel I am fairly qualified to respond to this. Here's some general background: the cartilage in the ear auricle is a thin layer of elastic cartilage, which is why when you fold down your ear, it doesn't stay that way; it bounces back. Cartilage gets very little blood supply, so any damage to cartilage heals very slowly and with much difficulty, since the nutrients and oxygen found in blood is what helps tissue to repair. The non-cartilaginous aspect of the ear auricle (i.e. the earlobe) is made of fat, which is just loose connective tissue.

Many times (I don't think nearly as often as the OP is suggesting though), using a piercing-gun on the thin elastic cartilage of the ear can cause small micro-fractures that resonate away from the spot where the stud pierced (since studs are relatively dull, especially when compared to needles). And as I mentioned, cartilage doesn't receive a great blood supply, so these micro-fractures don't heal very easily at all.

Cartilage doesn't shatter the same way bone (or a vase) does, but since cartilage doesn't heal the way bone does (bone has an enormous supply of blood), any fractured damage to it is considered shattering.


I just can't believe this bothered you enough to go on the internet and complain about it. Who the *beep* honestly cares. It's a movie. A very small, insignificant part of a movie, for that matter. Get a life.


So, how is you replying to my post just to tell me to get a life indicative of the fact that you have a life?

The difference between your post and mine is that I posted in hopes of educating people (read: teenagers) who want to get a cartelidge piercing after seeing this film. I want people to know that this is the WRONG way to do it.

Your post is just a hypocritical waste of text.

Everybody lives, Rose! Just this once, everybody lives!


If someone wanted to get a cartilage piercing and went on the internet for advice, I doubt the first place they'd come would be the Freaky Friday message boards.


I don't care either way about the piercing rules, but this is true.


>>>If someone wanted to get a cartilage piercing and went on the internet for advice, I doubt the first place they'd come would be the Freaky Friday message boards.

Not necessarily true. Let's say some impressionable kid sees the movie, likes the movie and starts thinking about getting this cartilage piercing. So they come to this board because, being kids, they think someone here will answer them if they say, "hey, that ear stud was really cool. I'm thinking of doing that."

So an interest directs them to this board, and they see someone has written about it. Maybe it raises a red flag, more than likely it doesn't.

What I want to know - from those who have apparently got 10 piercings - always assuming they still check this thread after a year is - how do you like those piercings now? Any regrets?

The Coldest Equations


I wasn't an original commenter, but I am indeed someone with 10 piercings!

I've gotten mine over a period of 17 years (I'm 22), and have absolutely no regrets about any of them. My parents freaked a bit over my nose stud (the only one not done with a gun, in respect to the original comment, and probably the one I had MOST issues with), and I thought I may have to take it out once I started work in a professional firm, but I haven't had any problems.

I don't regret my two tattoos either :)


Your point is valid. Maybe they would come on here and ask but then her thread title really should have said, "Don't use a gun for piercing!" if she was trying to warn people and not just stating her own opinion.

Hopefully, since the movie was released 2003 (and probably filmed the two years prior) if a kid went to a current store they would do it properly with a needle. If in fact that is the correct way to do it (which does sound logical) since many on this thread said they got the same piercing with a gun and it was fine.

Would a Cupcake kill you?


if u wrote this to educate people why did u call it "Ear piercing: This REALLY bothered ME."....

i second the motion of get a life


It bothered me because it was wrong. Do things that are wrong not bother you? Again, telling me via an Internet message board to get a life is hypocritical. I do, in fact, have a life. However, in my down time (of which there is very little) I enjoy posting my opinions on imdb. If that's not what you're supposed to do on these boards, why do they exist? I honestly can't believe this thread is still active, considering my original post was made in 2009.

Using piercing guns is still a pretty big no no and it's always safer to go to someone who has had lots of training, uses sterile equipment, and knows how to make you feel comfortable.

If my wanting to spread good information around is indicative of having no life, so be it.


I think just the idea of doing that is crazy, period. Okay, what man came up with this crap? No woman would've.


Bla bla bla... It's not the best way to do it, but it's very unlikely that anything bad would happen anyway.


It's true, there's always some idiot on IMDB who will be "bothered" by the smallest of things. I'm so glad several people came along and corrected the OP as well, who ever heard of "shattering the cartilage"? Idiot.

Remember the magic words: "Please", "Thank you" and "Step off bitch!"


I'm a piercer at Claire's Accessories - we use a gun.

*Winner of the BBC3 Reality Show "Young, Dumb & Living Off Mum" - no biggie, don't be jel, be reem*


while i know nothing of the methods of piercing, i wondered how tess/anna could take it out so easily later on that day when anna/tess told her to for the rehearsal dinner. that bugged me a bit


I got mine pierced by a needle at a tattoo parler. I hear the needle way is the best way & the gun could possibly shatter your ear & it'll look slump if not done properly WITH the gun.
