My School

Detention was filmed in my high school! During the filming is was mad, explosions and helicopter circling the area. Now the movie is finally out, it sucked ass.....! Better luck next time!!!!


It wasn't that bad. Oke, it didn't have a very good story but it was enjoyable had some nice (although not very realistic) action scenes.


ha are you kidding? I saw this on tv the other day, it just might be the worst movie I've Ever seen. I would be embarrassed to have this filmed at my highschool.


its funny because they have it in the filming locations as at Sir John A....but it was filmed at Glendale...i know this because i sat in the desk right infront of where the almost sex scene is. lol...i know the room...scary.


lol chris, I don't remember the sex scene what room was it in? I have to watch it again lol


External shots: Sir John A.... Interior? Glendale Secondary. Recognized MUCH of the interior from my time there in the late 80's. Was fun to see the various schoolrooms shot up.

