
Hi I'm surpised to see that english or american people have seen this funny french parody. as a frech, I'm very proud that this movie is known by some english people mainly because this movie is not so known in france: it was broadcasted only once in 1993 on Canal Plus, a pay per view channel But this remain a piece of a kind of humor that have been cretaed by some young actors who worked for this channel during the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s. This kind of humor is known as "l'Esprit Canal" and is based on words jokes explicit language and nonsensical situations...
If you want to see another piece of hilarous movies, try to see "Messages à Caractère Informatif" (DVD available since October 2004) It is a series of shorts movies (about 2 minutes each) made from 1970s 1980s companies films whose first aim was to motivate or to improve workers.


I saw Messages a caractere Informatif, it is so funny too... the only problem is that they were made for "Nul part ailleurs" a french TV show, and many jokes are connected to this show, making it difficult to understand everything!
But for sure it is amazing work! Too bad, don't have english subtitles!

"My task i tried to achieve is above all to make you see" [D. W. Griffith]
