
LOL this movie sucks so bad, i watched it for the first 5 minutes and laughed out loud at the BAD ACTING!


LOL I didnt have the honor to see this cheeseball flick yet.. but i watched the trailer and I was laughing at how this film's trailer is using the music from Bram stoker's Dracula and Aliens hahaha it just doesnt seem right...

All of the good " Big Bug" movies were made in the 50's


Don't sell the actors short. Like I said in my review of the film, would YOU be able to act scared, or at least mildly concerned, while being chased around by a giant puppet?

I have to say, this is the film for all of those people who thought "The Cave" sucked. After watching "Centipede!" "The Cave" will look like a Shakespearean masterwork.

"Centipede!" is also good for a Mystery Science Theatre 3000 session :)


LOL looks like a low budget film.


This movie is one incredibly tasty chunk of prime Grade Z horror creature feature cheese.

I'm a totally bitchin' bio writer from Mars!
