Similar Movies

Wow Im surprised that this topic hasnt been brought up yet. The Big Empty is an amazing movie that has kept me up all night lol. The only movie I can think of that is remotely similar in atmosphere, vibe and mood is Bottle Rocket 1996(Wes Anderson). That movie is very similar except that instead of a sci fi theme it carries a crime theme

so anyone else know of any similar movies?


Interstate 60 is another great movie like this! I forgot to add it earlier lol. its by the guy that made back to the future and is very similar. a mysterious packaged being delivered on an uncharted highway by a unaware guy. mystery, sci fi, comedy (not so black though), ect.


This is my favourite movie and I also love Interstate 60. If anybody has any reccomendations I would also love to hear them.



actually, Ill just put all my favorite road movies, because these kind of movies are my favorite kind and are very hard to find the best ones :) :) :) this list will please any road movie fan gauranteed: especially for the blacker comedic/scifi type of road movie:

Wristcutters (obviously) (Black Comedy/Drama/Fantasy/Adventure)
The Big Empty (Black Comedy/SciFi/Adventure) 2003
Interstate 60 (Comedy/SciFi/Adventure)2002
Highway (Comedy/Drama/Adventure/Drugs) 2002
Into the Wild (Drama/Adventure) 2007
Highway to Hell (Horror/Scifi/Black Comedy/Adventure) 1991
Bottle Rocket (Crime/Dry Comedy/Adventure) 1997
Fanboys (Comedy/trekkies/teen/Adventure) 2008
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (Black Comedy/Drugs/Adventure) 1998
Roadside Prophets (Comedy/Drama/Adventure) 1992
Sex Drive (Comedy/Teen/Adventure) 2008
Starman (SciFi/Drama/Adventure) 1984
Repo Man (SciFi/Comedy/Adventure) 1984
Bubble Boy (Comedy/Adventure) 2001
Nurse Betty (Black Comedy/Drama/Adventure) 2000
Darjeeling Limited (Dry Comedy/Adventure) 2007
Hangover (Comedy/Adventure) 2009
Dead End (Horror/Thriller/Adventure) 2003
Joyride (Horror/Thriller/Adventure) 2001
Neon City (SciFi/Post Apocalyptic/Adventure) 1990
Retroactive (SciFi/Action/Thriller/Adventure) 1997

all crazy adventures!

and I really want to see the Zeros (2001) and the Galaxies Are Colliding (1992)by John Ryman. The Zeros synopsis looks just like wristcutters and big empty.. but very very hard to find!

if anyone has anymore suggestions along the lines of awesome road flicks other than these please let me know :)


The basic tone and atmosphere of The Big Empty remind me most of Martin Scorcese's After Hours.



Dust Up (2012) dir. Ward Roberts. "A Hipster Apocalypse Western" Similarities of tone and setting, a little more grindhouse than this, but very appealing.


Wild at heart
Cherry 2000
U Turn


Let's not forget Blood Simple.
Also, Lost Highway.
And for reasons I can't explain, The Jacket.
The Big Lebowski of course.
Barton Fink maybe.
Bagdad Cafe.
Oh, and Rubber!
Plus lots of good suggestions by others on this thread.
But definitely Blood Simple.


"The Big Lebowski" came to my mind immediately.
