Seasons on DVD

Why are they so damned expensive? I bought 1&2 quite awhile back, but I can't and won't spend $40 on a TV Season, and that's usually about what the rest of the seasons range. I keep waiting for them to come down, but they have held steady. I pretty much cap my TV Season budget at $20 each. I hope they'll make their way down there.


A couple of months ago (Nov/Dec?), they were like $27.99 for a couple of days. That's the lowest I've ever seen them go, and still $8 more than my budget. I just don't understand. Hundreds of other shows sell their DVDs for much less. Why is WaT so freaking expensive?! I really miss this show and I want so badly to own it, but I just can't do it until the prices are reasonable. :'(


Okay, greedy bastards. While I'm sure your Without a Trace business is booming, selling the seasons for $35-$45 each, 6 years after the show wrapped, you can count me out. I officially deleted all of the box sets from my Amazon cart, where I've been watching the prices flux for years. I'm done. I can't imagine what you're thinking with those prices, but they're certainly beyond my reach. Without a Trace will just have to remain a fond memory for me. I'm letting it go.


In the last couple days I bought Season 1 (today) on amazon for $11.20 + s3 $36.99 + s6 29.96 + s5 36.99 . Ebay for s2 $14.53 (new) + season s7 31.88 s6 33.99(new). Averages to 27.89 per season.

Been watching the prices for a while as well. Trick is to just keep watching for them. Yesterday when I checked on season 1 it was still in the $30, today it dropped a lot so I got it. Seasons 3 and 5 started going up again so I got them on Sunday.
When they first released the DVDs they were high (even back then), they didn't sell as well as the studio hoped so they weren't as mass produced as shows are now (thus getting new shows at much cheaper rates). WoaT is out of print, so what copies there are floating around are going to cost more. If you wait much longer the prices will start hitting the $50-60 range - as Walker did for a while.

I'm with you on the limiting the amount I'm willing to spend on a single set, but, I'm willing to average the amount over the length of a series... Buying one season for 11.20 and one for 36, averages out to 23.60 between the two of them. All in all if I buy the last one at 36 it still averages out to 30.63 per season for all 7

Bobby: "You don't shoot Bambi, jacka$$. You shoot Bambi's mother."
