Jimmy's Evil Clone

Jimmy's clone reminds me of Chucky alot, just by the way he talks.

If I were you, I get a big mallet.
~Courage the Cowardly Dog



And when he laughs.

If I were you, I get a big mallet.
~Courage the Cowardly Dog


if the show didn't get cancelled then they would have a third episode with Evil Jimmy


The clone's actually more of a parody of Jack Nicholson, specifically in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

Though most people that watch this show aren't really old enough to know that. I can see where people would say he sounds like Chucky.


"The clone's actually more of a parody of Jack Nicholson, specifically in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. "

It's Nicholson in "The Shining"..


Yeah, you're right. I've just only seen like 5 minutes of the Shining, and more of Cuckoo's Nest so I equate it more to that one.


That's ok -- Jack is Jack, no matter where he is!


lol yea

What happens if someone falls of a cliff? Go figure it out yourself...
