A possible way to revive the show

We have seen three seasons with Jimmy Neutron and his friends participating in exciting adventures - as kids. But what if the franchise pulled a "Rugrats" and produced a 'grown-up' version of the show? Imagine Jimmy, Cindy, Carl, Sheen, Libby and many others as teenagers, and the numerous possibilities for storylines and episode plots!

As many will remember, the final episode of season 3, "Lady Sings the News", had Jimmy kissing Cindy before the end; also, Sheen was in a relationship with Libby. The 'grown-up' series could revive that same romance element, and introduce others that correspond with teenage life, like school proms, peer pressure and more.

What do you think?


i think you need a life!!!!!! seriously


Hey, Dead Head 0whateverface, i think his idea is pretty good. Maybe you need a life, bro. Seriously.


That is actually a really good idea! i seriously wish they would make 'Jimmy Neutron: Teen Genius' they could have it with the characters 16 or something, and Jimmy/Cindy would dating, with Sheen/Libbi still dating... and i don't know Carl would still be Carl i guess... the show would be less silly and a bit more mature (still with the wacky inventions of course, though)

I WISH they would make this, instead of that stupid 'Planet Sheen' they're actually making instead... sigh

We've come to the conclusion that The Bird is greater than or equal to The Word.


No, it shouldn't start out with Jimmy/Cindy. Sheen and Libby could date all through the show and be the overly mushy couple, but if they were to do that, Jimmy and Cindy would have an ongoing "I love him, I hate him, he's so dreamy, he's a jerk" thing going on.

My blog: http://its-only-common-sense.blogspot.com


'No, it shouldn't start out with Jimmy/Cindy. Sheen and Libby could date all through the show and be the overly mushy couple, but if they were to do that, Jimmy and Cindy would have an ongoing "I love him, I hate him, he's so dreamy, he's a jerk" thing going on.'


Jimmy/Cindy = Ross/Rachel
Sheen/Libby = Chandler/Monica

I guess that girl jimmy had a crush on (can't remember her name) could be some sort of 'problem' in their relationship somehow... like to get cindy jealous, and Nick to get Jimmy jealous...

Maybe I'm reading too much into this... nah!

We've come to the conclusion that The Bird is greater than or equal to The Word.


I could definately see the Friends parallels. And I *think* it's Betty Quinlan you're talking about, and I could totally see Jimmy/Betty, Cindy/Nick to get the other one jealous. AGH. They need to revive this.

My blog: http://its-only-common-sense.blogspot.com


yes they realy do
