My Points about this

Matt was a super honor roll student with a super future in any career he wanted but he had to throw it away because he tutors someone and falls in love and has to have sex. When you are a teenager or freshman you are too too young to have it. I am middle aged and never had it in my life and never never never want it. It causes problems. If he wanted to have it he could have done some type of birth control like those condoms or the pill if it works or they could have had an immediate abortion but no now theres problems because he had to get her pregnant. When I was a kid my only thing I loved aside of time away from school was watching Television. Plus they had other problems with his older sister Alex.


Never had it? Like in the 40 year old virgin?


I totally agree with you, he should have used his brain and not his hormones, lol! :D For a smart guy he didn't seem smart to not use birth control! That slut that he tutored was sooo stupid! She said in the movie she had sex a year before, so she must have used protection then, but i don't understand why she didn't ask him to use a condom, what an idiot!!


I don't want 2 justify it @ all because it was stupid but sometmes things happen. ya know?

***Rebecca***Darn you, darn you to heck


I totally agree with you, he should have used his brain and not his hormones

I've always heard a stiff dick has no much for "thinking" before acting.

Don't tell God how big your storm is...Tell the storm how big your God is.


I don't get you. You have an opinion about soemthing you have never experienced. It is a natural thing not something extremely bad. How can a person who never wants to have sex say that you're too young to have it as a teenager. Your whole body is changing to actually have sex and babies. It would be normal to have sex at that time.

And you said you only liked to watch tv beside school... That is really sad!


Jughead, I wonder how old you are, because your remarks ridiculous! I am very against teen pregnancy, because it causes problems for the parents,the baby itself, parents school careers, their finances(which they don't really have) and of course numerous times the dad doesn't want to be involved and much much more.But I am glad I saw this movie as well, because it shows teenagers that are actually quite intelligent, even intelligent kids make big mistakes! The boy wanted to do everything possible to make up for his mistake. Even have that awful job in the pizzaplace to pay back his parents! I'm sure that he still will have a proper education in a few years, this guy will do the right thing.


HAHAHA!to the original poster.. your comments made me laugh. you are middle age, have never had sex and never want to? You obviously never had much contact with the opposite sex, or have super control over your hormones! You are also obviously very sheltered. and the only thing you liked was t.v. and school? wow.. what a sad existence!

Ou La La!


Remember though, he had sex because Francesca pressured him into it. Even though he agreed he was still young and blinded. It still doesn't make what he did right, but he still didn't ask to have sex.

Lick....the...paper....walnut?-Kyle XY




