
I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I could find the dvd set. All the store around me don't have it yet. Best Buy keep saying it is not out till the following week(the told me this for the last 2 weeks). Thanks


I've heard from many people who are having difficulty finding the DVD set in an actual store. Best Buy has been saying that the DVD didn't even come out until this week. ^^; I don't know what the problem is, but again, I'd direct people to I've always had good dealings with them and they deliver fast. But if you're highly against ordering stuff online, then I'd keep pestering Best Buy and other stores to get the DVD NOW! There's no excuse for not stocking up on the DVD set when it's been out for a good two weeks by now. SHOW THEM NO MERCY!!

Rekka Alexiel


I'm so glad to hear it is now on DVD. A cool thing about amazon is if you also like Wonderfalls, they have both for $67.48 or $37.49 for Miracles alone.


I got it @Walmart for $34.42. It maybe a bit cheaper on the mainland. I didn't think it would be there since it didn't show up (still doesn't) on the website.

"I'm dazed and confused and clueless too." -Me
