MovieChat Forums > Miracles (2003) Discussion > I have some questions....

I have some questions....

The opening scenes of "The Ferguson Syndrome" shows Paul shoving open the lid of a second coffin. The man lying in rest in the coffin looks just like Father Poppi (Hector Elizondo). But we then see Paul run into him in the flesh at the school (that would have taken a TON of apricots!). Who's the guy in the coffin then?

In "Hand Of God" Paul is seen going through Alva's hemography files. There is a picture of the broken glass with "GOD IS NOW HERE" that was seen by Paul in his wrecked car. I can guess that when Alva asks Paul to write what he saw on a napkin, he was possibly confirming what he also saw. (Since Alva was seen by Paul, followed by the flashing creepy devil face man through the window behind Tommy.) Where did the picture come from and who took it? Are we to believe that Alva followed and then squatted down and merely watched Paul nearly die just to see if the dreams of the other hematography people were true? What would have happened if Tommy couldn't have saved Paul? I find it somewhat creepy and suspect on Alva's part.

Thanks a bunch for any insight!

"...adventures...make you late for dinner!"


The corpse in the opened coffin was some long-dead priest (headstone read 1920-something), not Poppi.

There would have been a police report regarding the accident, especially as a train was involved (not to mention a dead child found at the scene). The photo was most likely taken by an investigator/detective at the scene.

I never thought Alva was actually at the scene; it appeared as if Paul may have been having some sort of precognitive flash about eventually meeting him, lol!

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