
After watching "You are my Sunshine" I started the next episode on the disc only to see a "previously on Miracles" that included Evelyn introducing her son -- before opening the episode with her basically saying, "Oh, I can't come, I'm still looking for my son's father."
I've watched all the episodes in (seeming) order, up to this point, and do not recall any such thing ever taking place.

So my question is basically...WTF?



I had never heard of it before and ended up renting it to check it out. After seeing the first couple episodes I ordered it online (I'll be able to rewatch it with commentary soon) so I could get other people to watch it and rewatch it myself. I've been tearing through the episodes, but when I saw that particular preview on disc three I had to stop, because I thought maybe the discs were mislabeled/misordered, as sometimes happens, and didn't want to go any further till I made sure I was in the right spot.

Thanks for the insight -- after reading your post I started watching again. Other than the momentary confusion with Evelyn's son, it hasn't seemed to effect anything in the actual program. : )
