I miss this show!

Anyone agree?!

Never run in the rain with your socks on-Billie Joe Armstorng


I wish it was still on.


I loved this show and miss it so much. I want to see it out on DVD. So go to www.tvshowsondvd.com and sign up for a free account that takes like 2 seconds to set up and vote for life with bonnie and if they get enough votes thell put it out on dvd!!


I only saw one episode so far, and it was the one with David Duchovny and his 15 minute movie. I never laughed so hard in my whole life. I was just flicking through channels recently and I came across it and did recognize him at first, but then realized who it was. I feel Bonnie Hunt has a natural talent for comedy, and this was too much. I wish it was not cancelled.
