What Happened?

I thought this show was really funny! What happened? With friends leaving it would have taken a good spot, but they cancelled it. Grr stupid people


I LOVE THIS SHOW!! Why do my fav shows end!? I also loved 'Nikki' but that ended too!!


I agree its sad that a good show like this was cancelled. What crap will replace it I wonder.

Remember Assumptions are the mother of all F**kups


i know! what the hell happened? this show was fakin' hilarious! i was so mad when i turned on the tv and it wasn't on anymore...they could have at LEAST given some notice that they were cancelling it! or better yet, not cancelled it at all...grr....


Is it just me or is it incredibly difficult to attach yourself to a TV show these days? Just because we like a show ourselves doesn't mean it won't stay on the air. They just started showing this over here on Australian cable (thank god for reruns!) but I'm extremely sad to hear this got cancelled in the US. Television executives are cold, heartless bastards (forgive me for using the understatement of the century!)


It was cancelled because its quality was reflected in the ratings, which was crap. I've only seen a few episodes (in Aus too) and it's just so cliched and pretentious (all tv nowadays is though). I never laughed once, they take completely normal and overdone situations and just push them as "funny".

Going straight and choosing life.


Hey... :-)

Any possibility that I could get someone to record the show for me on Vhs and mail it to me?

I will send money for the tapes.


[email protected]



thats not true i live in australia and i thought it was one of the funiest shows i have ever seen, it took the normal day to day things that we all think about but never talk about and made them funny because we knew that we were all thinking it just not game to say it.

if you know the producer is it possible to buy a copy from him ???

please let me know amdeverlucky



My theory is it was over-shadowed by Scrubs. Both shows came out at the same time, and were remarkably similar. Other than one being a domestic comedy and the other taking place in a hospital, they're essentially the same show. I liked both of them, but for whatever reason, somebody decided that it was redundant or something, and they kept Scrubs going and cancelled this. Scrubs is the only sitcom I make a point of watching every week these days. This was on the list as well during its limited run. After Friends and Frasier ended, pretty much everything else is crap as far as I'm concerned.


Try Arrested Development and The Office.


I also enjoyed this show. I read on the internet shortly after it stopped airing that NBC had simply given it a "holiday" in order to air another sitcom. I wasn't as worried until IT NEVER CAME BACK! There was a letter writing campaign which I took part in, but I guess the execs didn't care.

I came here hoping someone had heard it was coming to DVD. Father of the Pride which was also cancelled after one season has just recently come out on DVD and I'd hoped Hidden Hills would do the same.

There's still hope, I guess.


i was thinking abut this show this morning, and just remembered the name..

me and my wife were upset when it got cancelled too..we really liked it...

since then, i have been reluctant to watch any new shows, because i don't want to get attached....


My (ex)husband and I loved this show and really looked forward to watching it every week. We laughed so hard every time and were upset when it just disappeared. I would buy it if it came to dvd. And hey, it would only be one box!!!

