Sixth sense maybe?

Although I haven't had the oppurtunity to watch this series yet I have seen the previews for it and it seems to be a bit like the film 'Sixth Sense'. A person sees or senses dead people and sets out to avenge there deaths or complete their unfinished business (help them). What does everyone else think? Like I said, I haven't seen it yet but when it airs on Thursday I'll be watching!


It's like a cross between X-Files and The Sixth Sense. It's got a lot in common with another awesome horror/mystery show that got cancelled: Freaky Links. They were both awesome shows! I say Bring them Back!!!


It a shame the show was cancel, before it was really given an start. I hope that someone else buys the remaining episodes.


It was like that. It was a wonderful show and I wish they would have kept it on. Maybe one day they can bring it back cause it was an amazing show and they just didnt give it a chance.
