
Why did Tommy have to die. He really didn't do nothing to her


Well I don't remember much but I think his death is accidental.


It didn't matter if you were friends with Carrie or not, if you were in her way at that moment (the blood scene trance) - you were going to die regardless. It was nothing personal. The same situation occured with Helen and Roy as well. They were in the wrong place at the wrong time - and remember, Carrie did not realize what she was doing in this remake during this scene in her trance, as opposed to the original, where she consciously and deliberetly killed on purpose.



His death was accidental. I'm sure if Carrie was not in a trance she could have "flung" bucket out of his way...

You're laborers, you're supposed to be laboring! That's what you get for not having an education!!





his death was accidental. i think he was doomed from the moment he decided to take Carrie to the prom.


I'm watching it on TV right now & Chris is the one responsible for killing Tommy. She dropped the bucket when she ran out like a coward & it hit him in the head. That's all on that *beep* Chris.


i think the bucket merely knocked him unconscious and he did in the fire caused by Carrie. if you watch real closely after the electrocution scene you can see Tommy laying among the group of people. its pretty unmistakeable from his flashy white tux.
