MovieChat Forums > American Dreams (2002) Discussion > Why did Meg and Luke break up the 2nd ti...

Why did Meg and Luke break up the 2nd time?

I know they were together initially and then Luke broke it off because they always bickered and had nothing in common. But then Meg said she couldn't stop thinking about him and he agreed (that he couldn't stop thinking about her) and then they got back together. They broke up again, for good, at the beginning of Season 2 but I can't remember why. Anyone help me out?


Yeah, I don't remember either...and that's kinda sad since I'm one of the show's biggest fans. But, thanks to NBC, I can't see what happened since they do not want to release the second season nor the third.


That episode isn't available online either so I was trying to read episode summaries (like from and and they're not all that specific. They just say stuff like "Meg and Luke reach a crossroads in their relationship" or "Meg and Luke rethink their relationship" and then we know they break up but for the life of me I can't remember why. I know it wasn't because one had cheated on the other or wasn't that serious. Although Drew did enter the picture not too long after that. Did he have something to do with it? And I don't want to say it was like the first time they broke up, because they had nothing in common but I think that might've been it. Does anyone else remember?

Yeah, I really want the Season 2 and 3 dvds too. Who doesn't!? I was trying to organize something with current bootleg owners to get all of the episodes online, but no bootleg owners have really responded yet.


ok im gonna make ur day! if u wanna see all of season 1, a good bit of season 2 and ALL of season 3 go to, go to the television shows on that site, look up American dreams (they are in alphabetical order) and watch them! they are there, and more and more of the episodes are put on there everyday. about 2/3 of season two is there yet, but they will eventually all be up there. ENJOY!!! it gets better as it goes on, and i wanted to cry when "dreams" was canceled!


Thank you for the link, but I was already aware of Surfthechannel. That's were I just recently rewatched all of Season 1 and the first episode of Season 2. There's only 5 episodes available on Surfthechannel from Season 2 and that's because these are the only episodes that are floating around on the internet (available to download via torrent or other illegal file sharing programs). All of Season 3 is also available on the net (again, via torrents and file sharing programs) and that's the only reason they're on Surfthechannel. There's no other episodes to upload so once whoever is uploading Season 3 is finished, that's all that will be available on that site.

I may be going overboard on this (as evidence by my multiple other posts on this subject), but I'm really trying to get the word out...the only way we'll see ALL of the episodes online is if a bootleg owner uploads the missing Season 2 episodes. Again, just to throw this out there, I strongly encourage someone who owns the the bootlegs to help us out and that we can share with the entire AD fan community who is desperately longing for these episodes.


I watched the episodes the other day and here's how they broke up. Luke was with Meg and her family and her father brought up Bandstand. Luke kept saying things along the lines like he thought the whole show was stupid. Later they went to a drive in movie and Meg was trying to tell him what happened at Bandstand and he didn't care. She told him that she didn't like that they didn't have the same interests and they agreed they should break up. Hope that helped :) Ask any other questions if you like :)


Is the drive in thing from Season 2 because I watched all of Season 1 and I don't remember this from there? Thanks for the info!


No problem:) Yeah that was from an episode at the beginning of season two, around the episode where Roxanne goes off with Lenny on the road with his band. Any other questions, just ask :)


Ahh alright, yeah I vaguely remember that. I haven't watched Season 2 or 3 since they aired. Do you own bootlegged dvds or something?


I got them from a site called but that website doesn't work anymore for some reason. The person running the site had seasons of many shows, including American Dreams and other ones that weren't released on dvd. One of my discs though does not work so I am missing four episodes of season 2. He said he would send me another disc to replace the one that didn't work but when I was going to e-mail him to tell him I didn't recieve it, the website was gone. Do you or anyone know anything about this site and what happened? Thanks


That site does sound vaguley familar but I don't reall know anything about it, sorry. That's a bummer about your disc, but at least you got most of it. That's more than a lot of us have. I'm hesitant about buying bootleg copies and I don't want it thattttt bad at the moment to risk it. I'm just going to hold out for an official release, but I won't hold my breath.

It seems like we might never get an official release and so few people own the bootleg copies. Not everyone can really afford them, myself included and/or the don't want to risk buying illegal copies. Awhile back I was trying to encourage American Dreams bootleg owners, if they know how, to upload their episodes on the internet (torrent,, etc) and that way we can spread them around and get people reinterested in the series. That way they'll go out and buy the Season 1 set and sales of the S1 set is what will determine if there is S2 and 3 official dvd releases. Would you be interested?


Yeah I would be, but lots of those people selling them wouldn't want to put them on the internet because then they couldn't make money off of it. On Youtube there are some small clips of certain episodes but not much (they're like 5 minutes). They should release the final two seasons with making only a small quantity like 5000 or so and we could get it. I wish, I've been waiting so long :( They release so many other series that weren't popular and not the one lots of people want. I hope it comes out. Who can we e-mail from NBC to release them?


I remember they broke up at the drive in and it was more of a mutual decision. They just knew that they didn't have the same interests and they just were not working out. I think they even finished watching the movie together, instead of just leaving right then and there after they decided to break up.
