Season 2 help!

This used to be my favorite show and I own season 1.
I found all of season 3 on surfthechannel but there was only like 5 episodes from season 2.

Does anyone know where I can watch all of season 2?

I'm starting to forget what happens after season 1.

Breathe out. So I could breathe you in


I have season 2 and the main things that happen are:

- Meg and Luke break up
- Meg dates Beth's University friend Drew
- JJ gets married to Beth
- Sam's mom dies from Cancer
- Henry tried to open up his own store but it didn't work out
- Roxanne ran off with Lenny and comes back only to have to choose between him and LUKE
- JJ goes to Vietnam
- Will has surgery and begins to heal from having Polio
- Meg and Sam agree they can't be more than friends ever

That's all I can think of right now. You can ask anything else and I'll try and remember :)


I know I have posted this a few other times, but wanted to make sure I directly answered your post. Someone spent a LOT of time uploading these from tape, and they are of pretty great quality. you do, however, have to download them. If you have livejournal, please thank the person who uploaded.


OMG thankyou!
i just bought season 1 and finished it. I was dying to find out what happens next!!


season 2AND 3 ON SELL.COM
