MovieChat Forums > American Dreams (2002) Discussion > Has any TV show used music better than A...

Has any TV show used music better than American Dreams

I can't think of any TV show that has used music better than American Dreams.

Good movie directors know the importance of music but TV directors tend to skimp on it -- maybe it's the cost or maybe I don't know why.

But not American Dreams! It isn't just that the music is good -- it is totally integrated in the plot, both to set the tone but also as a plot element.

There are lots of reasons to love American Dreams but, for me, the music is a main one.


I agree. One of the best uses of music ever. That really made the show unique and made it stand out to me.


Id say Cold Case..


You're right about that. Music really does make Cold Case.

I still think American Dreams has the music more integrated in the plot.

However, Cold Case can draw on a much more diverse body of music.


I'm glad someone agrees! It was such a great era for music, too. Loved it!


I would say the only one that has come close would be The Wonder Years. Not because the show also focused on the 1960s, but they also used music to describe the political or social mood of the time.


Another good example. I like Cold Case and Wonder Years, too!

Other examples would be the early episodes of Miami Vice and Beverly Hills 90210. If my impression is correct, I think Miami Vice kind of pioneered using pop music on TV like that.

Another favorite of mine is kind of obscure: "Tour of Duty."

I really liked how they used music from the Vietgnam era.

It's a case study in how important music can be. On the DVD they replaced the genuine music with standard soundtrack stuff (presumably to save money) and it turned the series mediocre!


I agree Wonder Years was good with music, too.

Music is especially evocative in those years but, as someone else pointed out, "Cold Case" manages to use music to set the mood for any decade.


I actually started watching Cold Case because of their use of Music. I would also say Scrubs & Chuck use music very well.


One Tree Hill uses music nicely as well. If a song can take you right back to a specific scene then they're doing something right. Like "Heartbeats" by Jose Gonzales, everytime I hear that song I can pictue the scene where Lucas tell Peyton that he's always loved her. But I most definitly agree that American Dreams uses music wonderfully.

