MovieChat Forums > American Dreams (2002) Discussion > I'd love everyone's thoughts...

I'd love everyone's thoughts...

I promise this has to do with the show! I've been going through a very horrible break up for the past six months and entered the darkest times of my life. I was with a man who I truly believed I would be with for the rest of my life but unfortunately, I suppose sometimes that love does not find a way. After the break up however, his treatment of me was so full of coldness and lack of empathy and there were moments where it seemed to me that this person may not have fully understood what true LOVE and RESPECT meant whether through his actions or how easily he forgot me and so forth. I was so full of darkness and really wanted to see something that represented these values I cherish so much. American Dreams was my favorite show when I was younger and I remember being so very upset that it had been cancelled. I had bought the bootleg copy of the last two seasons because I couldn't imagine never watching the show again.

I've been watching for the past few weeks and I have to admit, this is PRECISELY the type of people I crave. I wonder if any of you fans believe anymore that there are people who really understand the depth of these values that it seems others used to have. I realize that this is a fictional manifestation of these values and there might not have been people quite like this in the past...but I'd like to point out examples: 1) The manner in which J.J. conducts himself...with respect and honor and a true understanding of duty. 2) The way that Beth gives up her life in order to begin a family. True sacrifice. 3) The love that Meg had for be able to forsake all of it for love, not knowing how it would turn out.

These are just a few examples. I think that I desperately crave real human emotions...I've grown up in this generation and it has been really difficult for me sometimes to find people that really understand these emotions and don't just enter into this bubble of merely having fun, getting drunk, *beep* around and so forth. I mean, I've done it myself. I'm only 22 so of COURSE I've lived that life..but sometimes I feel like I feel nostalgic for a time I never even lived in. Does that make sense? And in terms of the break up, I really thought I had found someone that thought the same as me..and maybe he did but I suppose it didn't work out for reasons I'll never understand...but still..that belief in love and that respect you should show those you HAVE loved was lacking.

So I wonder, am I crazy or does anyone else ever feel this nostalgia? And if do you handle it without becoming sad? American Dreams has always been the rock in my life when I've felt lonely as silly as that sounds. It's as if I understand these characters more than the students around me at times.

