Mad Men

While "American Dreams" and "Mad Men" are very different in style and tone, I was wondering if any fans of "American Dreams" are also fans of "Mad Men."

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


I love Mad Men, I just wish the seasons had more episodes. I like how they have very different styles, its interesting to have a darker look at that era as well. Helen and Betty are like night and day as far as their mothering is concered. You would never hear Helen tell Will to go bang his head up against a wall when he said he was bored like Betty did with her son. There's considerably less smoking and drinking in AD which I found a bit unrealistic for the time but understand this was a primetime show at a family hour.


Totally! Love both shows!


I'm a hard-core, borderline obsessive fan of "American Dreams", since I was with it from the night the pilot episode aired. But, I've recently been getting into "Mad Men" and its wonderful.


I just recently (meaning today) started watching Mad Men. I think it's more due to the fact that I love that point in history.


Thats why I started watching it but as its gone on I've really come to love some of the characters. You really get to know them.


I love both shows, but I miss a having a couple like Jack & Helen Pryor on Mad Men. ALL the couples on Mad Men seem to have some marital problem or another.


I also love both!

Somewhere along the way, you decided I was worth saving.


I LOVE both shows. While I was looking forward to and watched AD from the start, a friend turned me on to Mad Men and I was addicted ever since. Yes, the tone and all is totally different, I am addicted to the era as I AM a child of the 60's.
