Americans are stupid

How can Jon and Kate become household names but a quality show like this gets canceled. Damned "reality TV"


When reality TV started becoming big I knew we'd seeing a lot less quality shows. Man was I right. It has really gotten out of control. From the Tila Tequila show to Bret Micheals love bus rock whatever the hell the name is, not to mention those horrid TLC shows. I'm sorry but since when did having a ridiculous amount of children make you interesting?



Amen to that! Chimpanzee72, you hit the nail on the head. In two years, people will be saying "Jon and Kate who?"


Jon and Kate who?? is right, Its been four years and we're still saying what happened to Meg and Chris? How are JJ and Beth? Did Sam ever fall in love?? How is Jack handling life? Whats Nathan up to? Did Roxanne and Luke get married? Is Patty still annoying? Did Will grow up to be a wimp? ect......


Jon and Kate who?? is right, Its been four years and we're still saying what happened to Meg and Chris? How are JJ and Beth? Did Sam ever fall in love?? How is Jack handling life? Whats Nathan up to? Did Roxanne and Luke get married? Is Patty still annoying? Did Will grow up to be a wimp? ect...... I really miss this show


I miss this show. I'm rewatching the 2nd season and i'm scared to get to the 3rd because I know its the last season and has fewer episodes.

I really wanted to see how Will would turn out. Would he start making friends? Play a sport now that he had the surgery? Will JJ and Beth get a house (part 2), Will JJ finally get the respect he deserves at his new space job?

This show should still be on. It was quality tv. NBC really *beep* up on this one.


I have yet to forgive NBC...


Jon and Kate suck don't know why anyone watches that show! As for American Dreams being quality you can make the argument for the first few episodes after that it just became garbage just like Jon and Kate!


The cancellation had nothing to do with reality tv, but greed. The show was getting decent, but not spectacular ratings. Normally what happens is advertisers say they don't to spend thier money on the show. No advertisers, no show; that's the way the game works. What happened was, advertisers heard the show was on the verge of cancellation, and offered to sponsor individual episodes, just to keep it on air. It may not have had a ton of viewers, but those who were tuning in were the exact market the advertisers wanted to reach.

NBC thought they could find something better to put in it's place. Something that would get them better ratings and let them charge more for advertisements. I can't tell you what they replaced "American Dreams" with. I loved that show. I'd watch it every week. I couldn't wait to see which songs were going to be played, and what would happen week to week. At least there's a chance of it coming to DVD.

"Forget reality, give me a picture"-Remington Steele


I know what replaced AD. After it was moved to wensday, its replacement was MARTHA STEWART's APPRENTICE. When that was cancelled I seriously screamed "Now they'll bring back American Dreams." I was so naive.

"It was the fiddler on the roof. He just jumped."-SNL


Nice generalization. I'm American and I've never seen one episode of that Jon and Kate show. But I guess its the cool thing to say Americans are stupid, meanwhile Reality television is popular globally. Its not my cup of tea, but folks like it.

I believe in Steve Austin and his plan to put a casino on the moon


I'm an American and the OP is 100% correct. Reality TV may be popular globally but NBC is much more concerned with the viewing habits of Americans than they are about anyone elses. And yes, most Americans are stupid. It's not because they are American, its because they are people. There are what almost 7 billion on this planet and if you take a look around it's clear to see that the majority of them are complete and utter morons. If you want to get offended and claim generalizations, go right ahead but that's not the point of the original post.

Had reality TV struggled in the US but thrived overseas, you can bet that the networks wouldn't be clamoring to create the next ridiculous reality show. What started off as a fresh interesting concept when MTV first did it, turned into a diseases once Survivor took off. It used to be you had to have an intersting hook to get a reality show but now everything is up for grabs. Swamp People anyone?
