MovieChat Forums > American Dreams (2002) Discussion > Just watched the last 2 episodes of Seas...

Just watched the last 2 episodes of Season 3 :(

I'm not sure anyone is going to read this but I have to get my thoughts out. It seems every year around this time when it starts getting cooler outside I get the urge to bust out the AD episodes. For the past few weekends I've been having mini AD marathons. Well tonight I've gotten to the last two episodes and its just sad to think this is it. There was so much going on in the show so many developments I still can't believe NBC canceled this show! The Finale is such a powerful episode. The scene where Jack tells Meg if she leaves with Chris she can't come back home. Wow it was so emotional the acting in this show was amazing.

I wanted to see what happened with JJ and his continued work for the Apollo mission after the company he worked for got their bid approved for the space suits. Plus his relationship with Beth, her wanting to go back to Penn, raising Trip (John III).

I found Jack's city council involvement to be very interesting and while it seems to be "in the past" I wonder if the writers would have considered bringing it back in a later season. Perhaps the truth would come out about Jack taking the money for voting a certain way. I wanted to see Jack and Henry continue to fight for the small businesses and keep Pryor TV and Radio open for as long as possible and fight off competition from the malls and department stores.

I could keep going but it kinda hurts to think about "what could have been" lol. Even 5-6 years later its still hard to watch the last few episodes because I know it really is ending. It is such a shame because I felt the show had a lot of potential. Some crap shows now are running for for 5+ seasons! Maybe AD was ahead of its time ugh I just miss it.


I just finished the last episode and I agree 100% it's so sad. What happens next?! I hate that it just ended abruptly, there was no end really. Would it have been that hard to do one more episode to at least tie up some loose ends, the season was several episodes short anyway. Do a Dawson's Creekish ending, where they jump forward five or ten years. Show how everyone ended up as the 70's were winding down. Everyone comes home after Jack has a heart attack or something. I would have loved to find out what happens with Meg in particular.


Where can I see these episodes? I miss that show so much

Boston and Philly wanna slander us, but they don't have as many fans as us


I know that you can find season 1 online. If you look really hard you might be able to find season 2. As for season 3, I've been searching high and low for it and I cannot find it at all. I used to have a link to it, but then the website got taken down. So if anyone finds season 3 again, send us all the link, please!
