MovieChat Forums > American Dreams (2002) Discussion > I think I have a solution that can get s...

I think I have a solution that can get season 2 and 3 released on DVD

I don't know if anyone has mentioned this in any other threads but here me out. I read this on wikipedia and I think it would be a good solution to the problems of releasing seasons 2 and 3 of American Dreams on dvd.

Wikipedia entry: It should be noted that there are music alterations in the Season 1 DVD release in order to keep music licensing costs down.[14] Prince has noted that the first season retains about "80% of the original music", keeping music he deemed critical to particular scenes, as well as performances of guest stars and music for the Bandstand dancers while replacing some background songs with "cheaper needle-drops" from the '60s. Prince said he doubted even hard-core fans would notice the difference.

"Ding Ding Ding" we have a winner!" Why cant Prince do this and use the "cheaper needle-drops?" I would do without a few songs so we can all enjoy the two seasons. What do you all think of this?


I think part of it is that the first season didn't sell as well as they wanted and they are using that as an excuse to not release it even with the music changed.


Yeah I guess we'll just have to watch bootlegs until their is an actual release. It sucks that this show was not promoted properly when it aired.


I think part of the reason it didn't sell well was the it cost $80. That's a lot of money for one season.
