Book Series?

I was just thinking of this, and it just came back to my mind...I swear, one time when I was a 9th grader, I saw some "American Dreams" book in some library I visited. For the life of me, I cannot remember what the book was titled, but just that it was the whole Pryor family on the cover. Weird thing was, it was just sitting on top of a table, and I didn't see any other "American Dreams" books.

Did I just hallucinate back then, or was there really a series based on this show?


Not hallucinating, there were American Dreams books! I'm not sure how many, I bought one at a clearance warehouse about a month ago. Im sure if you look on google or amazon you can find out more info. The author is Liz Tigelaar on the one I bought


Oh, that's cool!

I just checked out Amazon, and I think this was the one I saw back in the day:

Wow, that's pretty crazy there was a whole series. I noticed that there were more than 2 writers who wrote the books. Reminds me a bit of the "Clueless" novels.
