MovieChat Forums > Detour (2003) Discussion > Has anyone else noticed...

Has anyone else noticed...

I went to the movies last weekend and saw the preview for the remake of The Hills Have Eyes (opening this weekend). My question is, for anyone who has seen this preview, do you think parts of it greatly resemble Detour? There's a shot of the desert and you see something shiny catch light and I remember this exact same shot being used in Detour, or something a lot like it. There were a few other things, anyone else catch these? I may be all alone here.


this movie in just about every way is like the hills have eyes..and thats not a bad thing


The first 40 minutes are a direct lift from Detour. Everything from the gas station attendent dressed in a green jump suit toting a shotgun, to the young girl who looks amazingly like Harmony sunbathing in a bra to the Loopz like character in the bathroom finding the remains of an animal. They even lifted the teddy bear.


lmao Hills was made before this movie....


Not the remake, Jackass!


I'm aware of that dildo, I was referring to the remake.


I just watched the trailer for "Detour" and the new "Hills..." I've seen twice. But holy crap, the way the new "Hills" plays out, I'm thinking Aja, the director, may have watched "Detour" a few more times than the original "Hills.." There's alot of stuff similar to what I've seen in the "Detour" trailer. I know "Detour" paid homage to the original but tweaked it to something unto itself. All I can say is that I want to see "Detour" and find out how similar it is to the new "Hills...".



Here are the similarities between The Hills and Detour...........

1. Someone sees something shiny
2. There is a freaky guy in the gas station who ends up dying when the guy goes for help
3. The phone doesn't work at the gas station
4. In both movies, the gas station attendant die because they don't want to help the mutant people anymore.
5. When the buses get stuck, in both movies they head in opposite directions and everyon else stays in the bus
6. The sunbathing of course
7. The cave in the hills, coming out of the other side and finding their town
8. In both movies, they end up in the town to save someone
9. Both movies end leaving us unsure on whether the "survivors" are actually going to survive or not.

I think I got everything but if I'm missing anything you guys can add the rest.


I'm going buy Detour and watch it. I'm curious about movies on the Redrum label because my film, "Live Feed", is coming out Sep.12/06 on that label. They do have some pretty cool looking movies, "Cup of My Blood", etc... I'm just glad a distributor had the balls to pick up "Live Feed". It will shock people and it's not a rip-off of anything, I do pay homage to a few splatter classics but "Live Feed" is quite original in most aspects. People say it's similar to "Hostel" because it has tourists going to another land where they are brutally tortured and murdered. But "Live Feed" was announced long before "Hostel" was ever announced. If your curious about "Live Feed" please visit the official website at where you can download the trailer and the "Behind the Blood" making of featurette. And if you like what you see, please visit my film company site and if you really wanna get into the mind of a madman, visit to read my blog and general stuff. I love horror movies and I love making them for fans of the genre. Let's keep it alive and well! Thanks for the info about "Detour" BTW. RY


Actually I'd like to think this film(video actually) and the remake of Hills Have Eyes resemble the original Hills...FAR too much! So who cares if it's not original? There are only so many ways you can shoot a desert.


I never said it wasn't original, I'm just saying there were definite noticeable similarities.


But let's face it: This film is NOT original, not at all. I recognised almost every single ingredient of "Detour" as coming from other films (HHE, Wrong Turn, etc) or as plain horror clichés.
