Improve the show!

This show is getting worse for the following reasons:

1. They stopped using prank callers like the Touch Tone Terrorists and resorted to unskilled celebrities like Eminem. Even some folks who have comedic skills fail to deliver when it comes to improv with real victims.

2. Provoking the interesting or unexpected reaction should be the goal of every prank call. The way the pranker handles these reactions determines the course of the call. Virtually all calls of the last season (and this current one) have been on a predictable, uninteresting course.

3. Apparently, these prankers are holed up in Vegas (where laws regarding phone recordings are lax) with writers who put together the concept in advance and feed lines to the celebrities while listening in. Usually the premise is as weak and childish as the ones you came up with when you were 12.

4. Kimmel. His Terence character calls are actually quite funny and Jimmy has real phone skills. However, he puts his girlfriend's calls on all the time, and she is not funny at all. Neither are his kids, that other girl he'd like to F, or Adam Carrolla.

The way to turn this show around is to spotlight more amateur prank callers (Jim Florentine is the show's best pro)and let weekly special celebrity guests create their own bits. Maybe they could call their celebrity friends or Hollywood or TV big shots. Get rid of the dead weight. You know who they are, and you know when you are putting on your 'C' material.

May I suggest that anyone interested in the show visit the message board at crank yank dot com. Also...speaking of amateur prank callers, why not download video clips of prank calls to live TV call-in shows from:

Thank You For Taking My Call dot com
