Hamtaro Couples

Okay so far I know that:

Boss likes Bijou
Bijou likes Hamtaro
Oxnard likes Pepper
Howdy and Dexter both like Pashmina
Penelope likes that pig

Laura likes Travis

my big fat questions are:


WHO WILL GET BIJOU? BOSS OR HAMTARO (personally I want hamtaro to get her)


My favorite hamster couple is Pashmina and Snoozer. If Snoozer ever wakes up I would like him to be with Pashmina. Human couple is Laura and Travis. I know, I know I'm into wierd couples, but hey it could happen!

I'm a Fairysinger!!!


My favourite human couple would have to be Mr. Yoshi and whoever he's going out with. Damn, I forget her name. But my favourite hamster couples would be Hamtaro and Bijou and Pashmina and Dexter. ^_^

~*~*~A day without sunshine is like, you know, night.~*~*~


My Fav Hamtaro Couples:
Boss & Bijou
Hamtaro & Pashmina
Sandy & Snoozer
Dexter & Me or HBMandy! :D lol

QOTM: ||"DAD! Nigel hit Kim with a dart and I assume that he will be punished."||


I really, really want Boss to get Bijou. He loves her so much! I mean, she doesn't really like Hamtaro all that much, & he doesn't love her that way at all. Anyhoo, I know Dexter and Pashmina are an official couple in Japan. And I love Sandy and Maxwell together.




Hamtaro and Bijou
Pashmina and Jingle (weird, I know)
Sandy and Panda (there's a lot of proof to this couple, like whenever Sandy's not in an episode Panda isn't, or vice-versa)

Least Favorites:
Boss and Bijou
Sandy and Maxwell (they have absolutely nothing in common,and I don't really like either of them)



what's Git's her?



But what? Does "git" mean something diffferent to you?


Hamtaro is SO gonna get Bijou! Hamtaro+Bijou forever!!! I also like Pashmina+Jingle, Sandy+Maxwell, Oxnard+Pepper and Cappy+Penelope. Yeah, i know they're young, but they're perfect for each other! When they both grow up, you'll see! I'm sorry to say this, but i absolutely HATE Boss+Bijou! Bijou doesn't even LIKE Boss! Everybody knows that she only sees him as a big brother! And besides, she's a rich pet hamster and Boss is a field hamster! ICK! And Bijou SO likes Hamtaro! So, go get 'em, girl!!!


It sounds like a Romeo and Juliet or the Notebook story to me lol.

"You cannot make desicions for someone.They can make their own desicions.You can only influence it.


In the later episode Travis starts liking Laura (The episode when they first introduced Glitter and Sparkle, Travis was looking for Laura so when he found her they both blushed) so I guess they become a couple.


What the *beep* is wrong with you dummies?? Proof for panda and Sandy my ass. The show obviously pairs Sandy with Maxwell.
