This movie is NO prequel!

Just a BIG disappointment. I think someone just wanted to make a horse movie with nice scenery. Too many details about the other 2 movies were changed. Like the name other horse Shetan's was supposed to be Ashia; Sagar was the horse that belonged to Alec's friend that also raced the TBSR. I am also left wondering if the girl was supposed to be the same girl from TBSR. She tries to ride him and he will have nothing to do with her. If it is the same girl, why doesn't the horse remember her?
And it would have really been nice to find out what led to "the Black's" kidnapping and ending up on the ship with Alec.


I agree wholeheartedly. What really got me was that the movie was only 45 minutes long (I watched it on the WAM channel). I'm so glad I didn't rent or buy it.


If you rent this DVD it has a prequel to the movie on it and the combination of the two are 51 minutes long. I rented it because of the storyline not because I thought it would resemble the other Black movies. It is a nice short movie of its one.


>I am also left wondering if the girl was supposed to be the same girl from >TBSR. She tries to ride him and he will have nothing to do with her. If it is >the same girl, why doesn't the horse remember her?

Forgetting the Young Black Stallion for a moment.
The Black acts up because then there would be no NEED for Alec Ramsay if his old master's could still ride him. There is a moment in The Black Stallion Returns that the girl completely acknowledges that Alec is the only one who can ride him now.


I wonder what the version released in the UK contained, because IMDb has it at 99 minutes! I have not seen this film, but certainly would be very interested in seeing the longer version, if it exists.


First off, this film has NO intention on connecting to the prior films.
It is a film of it's own. A spin-off of the book by the same name.
However,they drifted away from the book so much so, that it is not even the same story that the book was.
I don't know why they even bothered to make it at all really. It was a waste of time and left alot of people confused who are not avid readers of the series and have only seen the films.

The Black in the first film is wild...NO ONE can handle him, it's as if he has never been around people in his life. He was definitely WILD. Alec was the only one who had ever ridden him. But yet, in this film as a colt, he is very tame and at the end of the film, just about everyone can get near him or touch him. Which leads one to wonder just HOW did he become so wild in the first film when he had already as a colt been around people and was ridden before!!! Did he suddenly go back to being wild???? Heh.
Again, NO connection to the other films whatsoever. I don't think that was the intent of this film. It was made to be pleasing to the eye for IMAX and that's about it.

And no, the girl in this film is NOT supposed to be the girl in TBSR.
The girl in TBSR's name was Tabari, and this girl's name is Neera. Two completely
different characters.


The problem being just that....the film practically promises in it's own words on the back of the cover that it is a prequel to the original first two films.



THANK you for confirming that, Lilac; I'd be very unhappy to find that the girl first beloved by the stallion would later be rejected by him. I think it sounds like a gorgeous little stand-alone film.
